Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Mask, Is That All We Are?

It's like the rug has been pulled from beneath my feet. Whenever someone asked me who my male idol was, his named leaped into my mind. Not only was he a good player, he was also a family man, no scandals following him around like a dark cloud. Ryan Giggs was a hero of mine, I totally adored him, he was the main reason I even watched a football game. I loved his walk, his voice, his values. But hearing the rumours, and truth, makes you think about the world and the masks people put on.

An affair with a model which he tried to cover up. Just when my heart started to crumble, just when i thought it could not get any worse, it did. An on again, off again affair with none other than his BROTHER'S wife! Dude, talk about morals. Don't you think you hurt your wife enough, your family, your fans? Was the pressure of being a good example to heavy for you? Or is this actually who you really are? Either way, I feel ashamed for you. I feel hurt and betrayed, and your wife would be even more so.

How dare you? How could you have thrown everything you had aside like it didn't matter? It doesn't matter why you did it, what matter is that you actually did it. You gave into being a man, you forgot you values and just stopped caring the moment you did this. I am, seriously, feeling so let down, words can't even help me explain it. I'd love to just curse at you and tell you that you're not even human anymore. But I wont. You need to get help, you need to work things out and try to make it a little better. You know you can. For your family, for your fans, and for yourself. You failed, we know that. But don't fail again, please.

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