Monday, August 22, 2011

Not So Simple Anymore

Well, a great may things have gone down since my last post. But no, I will not write about it, mostly because I don't want to. No talks about Patti, no reliving old memories and certainly no mention of any school dramas.

What I will rant about this evening is my 'favourite' band, Simple Plan.

From left to right: David, Jeff, Chuck, Sebastien(below), Pierre,
 Why the inverted commas, u ask? Well, when I first discovered Simple Plan, I was hooked. Their songs spoke directly to me like no other band or singer could. The lyrics were always meaningful and the music was great. Nad and I went crazy for them. We learnt their full names by heart, joined their web page mailing list, memorised all their songs, watched as many videos we could find on them and stalked their website and fan pages. We we're, seriously, Addicted (one of their songs). There seems to be a bump on the yellow brick road.

Simple Plan has for us a song for every occasion. When you have a crush, it's Addicted. Fought with your best friend - Thank You. Think the worldis being unfair - Me Against The World or Crazy. Need a song to open your eyes - Hold On. An anthem for us young teens - Generation or One. Or, my personal favourite, for when you lose someone dear to you - Meet You There.

Their songs are always there for us. And so are they. Simple Plan constantly posts videos and updates for their fans. They're always connected to us, which is one of the best things about them. Their fans are a big part of who they are. Nad and I also fell in love with the band members. Sure, their songs are great, but they are pretty awesome too! Pierre (lead singer), David (bassist and background vocals), Jeff (lead guitar), Sebastien (guitar and background vocals) and Chuck (drummer). They are our boys. We feel like we know them. Pierre is Nad's fave and Sebastien, mine.

I bet you're still wondering about the inverted commas. Well, honestly, I still to love them to bits. But I am, however, a little hurt that they haven't had a concert here in over 5 years. The last time they came down was to promote their 2nd album. Its been over 5 years and 3 albums now, and still no sign of Simple Plan anywhere in Malaysia. I'm seriously hurt. They did say in one video how much they love it here and that they'll definitely be back. Well, that hasn't happened yet. I really want to see them live. It'll be so awesome to see them perform live. Icing on the cake with a cherry on top if they had an autograph singing session that I could go for, but hey, beggars can't be choosers, no?

Like I said, I still love them to bits. I just feel like the balloon has deflated a little, you know. I need to get my hands on their latest album, for that fresh burst of Simple Plan. It wont soothe the hurt but it'll help. I haven't been all that connected to what they've been up to lately and I do partly blame them for this. It's injustice, I tell you. You go all over the world, touring for years without a break, but not concerts in Malaysia? Not even in Singapore! :(

I am still hoping to see them perform live one day. Until then, I shall keep trying to get my hands on some original Simple Plan merchandise (I want that bag or hoodie!). Also, I'll keep being hurt, because I think someone really needs to merajuk with them - help them come to their senses. Hmph!

1 comment:

  1. I love them :] I too need their new album. Its awesome :]
