Monday, August 1, 2011


It's been days, I know. It's not like I don't have the time, because I do. It's just that everytime I get to Blogger, I feel lazy. To be honest I'm feeling quite lazy now too but since I lack stuff to do, I've decided to write.

I GOT MY FISH BACK!!! Finally, after almost two months, I got my precious fish back. I made it with my own two hands (and the abang's hands too) of clay and water. I have yet to name it (or even paint it for that matter), but I still love it. It's a cute little fish, with sharp teeth, funny looking fins and an off center tail. After two months, it's finally home. Now, I just have to paint it:) In due time.

Next? Hmm... I had a lot of things to write about but I can't seem to remember any of it right now. I guess I should have written it all down when it was fresh in my mind. Laziness overcame me and now I have nothing.

Oh, I know! I've been trying to decide what to study after STPM (well, what's new?). Counseling psychology sounds good. It's something that interests me and I think I might really like doing it. But then, there's also journalism (which I don't think I'm very keen on) and of course, this just popped into my mind: house restoration! Now that is interesting. I love old things and I love working with my hands. I think it's a job I would love to do. Problem is, what should I study? What course should I take? Should even study at all? I mean, it's mostly physical work, right? So, on the job training would be better, no? Then, where should I go for that? Oh, so many questions! Where to I even begin answering?? (Oops, another question!)


Moving on, I think I should get into gear with school. I've been cruising along, playing Mafia at every free period, reading oh so many books (all of which aren't in my Literature Syllabus) and neglecting my well kept school files. It's not that I don't pay attention in class, I do (except for PA). I just think I should start some off-school-hours studying. Hit the books, as they say. It's now August. Trials are next month and STPM two months after that. Time for me to get worried about my exams (it's seems like that's what everyone is doing and I'm getting weird looks for being so blase about it).

I can't wait till it's all over!

SMART! No, not me. I mean Storm water Management and Road Tunnel (S.M.A.R.T). I've always been so amazed with the ingenuity of the tunnel. The engineering involved, and technique and ideas and putting it all together. It was a massive effort, bringing to life the 9.7km long storm drainage and road tunnel. It's the longest storm water tunnel in South East Asia, you now? And the second longest in Asia.

Basically, there's two levels. The top is for cars and the bottom is for water. There are 3 modes.The first is when the whole tunnel is opened to traffic and the flood water tunnel is not operational (all is bright and sunny in KL!). So, the second mode is when the top level is opened to traffic and the lower level is pumped with flood water (that's how it  works during most storms). The third mode is when the whole tunnel is closed and both levels are used to pump flood water (big, big storms!).

Anyway, I drove through SMART yesterday! It was awesome!

Gotta go now, will be back later!

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