Tuesday, September 18, 2012

One Gobsmacking Week

Here I am, sitting in front of the desktop after just finishing with my assignment, still riding the high of completing the first assignment of my university life, being totally gobsmacked, if it is indeed at all possible to be totally gobsmacked, at how much can happen in just a week.

Let me start at the beginning, for where else can I start but at the beginning. But then again, it's not that I start at the beginning but that the beginning starts where I choose it to begin ("Stop beating around the bush and get to the point" I bet that's what you're thinking). My last post was a week ago and since then, much has happened.

First off, I dropped my laptop (talk about getting straight to the point). My innate clumsiness, in league with Newtons precious gravitational force, was all out with a personal vendetta against my laptop. I was trying to get from the hall to my room while carrying a textbook and the laptop. Whatever happened next happened so fast that before my neurons could connect to other neurons to make sense of it all, the laptop was lying face down on the ground. 

I was, of course, in panic mode. I collected my things and went into the room to assess the damage. Bad news: the textbook's front cover was folded and oh, there's a huge dent on the laptop. OMG! Panic mode went into hyper drive. Everything seemed fine except for the obvious dent. But the next day, the mouse wasn't working. And so, my barely 2 weeks old laptop is now at the doctors for some minor surgery. They say it's treatable but she'll have to live with the scars. I just hope she makes it. 

Moving on, I had my first taste of biological psychology last week. I was a little apprehensive about it which, as it turns out, I had every reason to be but as complex as the subject seems, it's a hell of a lot interesting as well which makes up for the 32 new words I had learn in the span of 3 hours. The brain really is an amazing thing. Just learning about it makes me appreciate God even more. Even the most beautiful sunsets pale in comparison to the wonder that is the human brain. I can't wait to delve deeper into this. Also, Mr Alex played a clip from Pinky and The Brain during class. It was the one where Pinky sang the brain song. It was stuck in my head for days. *Brain stem! Brain stem!*

Another awesome creation of God which I feel compelled to mention is none other than the incredible Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A few of us went to watch Premium Rush on our day off. I have to say, I never though that watching a bike messenger cycling around the streets of New York trying to escape villians could be so exciting. He was great, as only JGL can be. He's good looking in the guy-next-door-with-a-twist kind of way. He's also got this charming smile and certain je ne sais quoi which makes him oh so attractive.

It was a really good movie. The actors were all great. Sure, the story line was quite basic but the movie was delivered in such an entertaining way. It was funny and emotional as well as action packed, all at once. Basically, all you need to make a great movie. I read somewhere that the director, Rian Dawson, wrote the part of Wilee specifically for JGL. I guess that helped a lot with the success of the movie.

One last thing. There's a freshman lunch that the new psych students have to attend this Saturday which has got me looking for a wand. It's a formal lunch and the theme is 'Harry Potter'. So you can understand why I'm excited. I mean, c'mon, it's Harry Potter! How can I not be excited? :) We're supposed to come in formal attire and they're giving us robes to wear when we get there. So cool, right! I can't wait:)

Anyways, that's it for now. I think I had more to write but it's now past 1am and I'm getting sleepy. Ciao.

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