Friday, February 28, 2014


John and Hank Green are brothers and they have a Youtube channel called Vlogbrothers. They post videos of themselves talking about lots of stuff. They talk to each other via these videos and sometimes they make videos together. I think (but I really have no idea and I'm too lazy and tired to find out) it started out as a way for them to just keep in touch and have fun creating things but then it grew it a huge channel as more and more people started to watch their videos. They have fans called Nerdfighters who are collectively know as Nerdfighteria. 

I think it's a really cool thing to do. Sometimes the videos are about one or two topics and other times it's just John or Hank talking to the other about stuff that's happening in their life and things they've been thinking about. I especially like when they end with, "I'll see you Monday" (sometimes it's Friday). It's adorable.

I just spent at least 2 hours watching some of their videos and I'm happier at the end of those at-least-two-hours. I really enjoy watching these videos and they actually make me feel better. It's really nice to see them talk to each other and joke around and be all brotherly. I think it's cute. Also, I like that John refers to his wife as 'The Yeti'. 

Anyway, it's a great channel to subscribe to if you spend a lot of time on Youtube. They both speak really fast so the videos are fast paced but I guarantee you, you will not be disappointed.

On a completely unrelated topic, I've decided to stop feeling sorry for myself. I am blessed in more ways than one and I need not wallow in self pity or sorrow. I watched a lot of SoulPancake videos too and I realised that one of the best ways to live my life is to live it happily. So that's what I will do. 

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