Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A year...and nothing

I've been fooling myself for over a year!

I thought I've been diligent about saving up. I mean, sure I spent some cash a little for myself, but I actually thought I put away a decent amount. But I was only lying to myself, living blissfully in my ignorance.

The only money I have saved up is really just from the kutu I've been paying for a year and what my godfather gave me as a graduation gift. It's ridiculous. I've saved up literally nothing since I've started working. Not even from freelance work!

I spent a bit on Simple Plan. That was the biggest purchase. But I expected to have a little bit more. Where did I spend all that money???? Road tax, but that wasn't a too bad. I'm so frustrated with myself.

Get a grip! You need a  better plan since this one is obviously not working well at all.

Maybe I should put away more kutu?? Maybe should create another account that I won't look at regularly. And of course, the best is to just be more disciplined. I should be able to save a decent amount each month but I've been carelessly spending on stuff that aren't entirely necessary. Like toners and shit. I mean, I can live without that. And eating out is just super expensive, especially at work. I have to get my spending under control.

I'm really frustrated right now.

I've been stressing about saving up for London for almost a year and now, less than I months away from my trip, I realise that I haven't saved more than a couple hundred ringgit. I am disappointed in myself. You can do better, Kat. You should do better.

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