Saturday, October 26, 2013




I got another letter from my past self! :)
I love getting these letters. It's a nice benchmark for the year. It helps me look back on things that have happened over the past year and how much has changed.

I was particularly chatty a year ago. I wrote myself a 2 paged letter. A lot has definitely changed. I've gotten closer to my new friends. so close that they're not even new anymore. Uni is no longer new either. I'm so comfortable there and doing my own thing. I know how to be a university student. The thing that hasn't changed is my excitement over learning psychology, though. That's still pretty much the same and I'm glad that it is. 

Me from a year ago wanted me now to have a tattoo and though I don't have one yet, I will in 3 days! So that's something I can definitely check off my list. I haven't milked a cow, sewn a dress from scratch or gone bungee jumping but I have had English Tea at Ms.Marples in Melbourne! Better one thing than nothing at all.

I wrote myself another letter to my future self. One more year till I hear from me again.

I think it's a beautiful idea. I think everyone should do it. Also, now that I think of it, this moment, this thing of sending letters to myself, it goes really well the tattoo I'm going to get (I'm not alone, I have my imaginary friends). Apt, I'd say.

I wonder what me from the future will be like. Happy, I hope. And a little more confident. Fitter and perhaps eating healthier. A little more motivated too and less restless.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, I'm going to sleep. I know that me from tomorrow is going to be mad at me from today if I stay up any later :P

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