Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Want My 0.3!!

Dinesh taught us something in school today. It's one of the exercises he had to do for T4YP. Some theater thing to help with pronunciation.

We have to say 'everybody' then 'verybody' followed by 'erybody' and so on. Do you get it? We start with the word 'everybody'. Then, that is followed by the word 'verybody' which is 'everybody' minus the 1st alphabet. This, then, continues on till you are only left with the last alphabet.

It's a real work out for you jaw-muscles!. Try saying it over and over again, increasing your speed as you go!

Fuuh! My cheeks are aching right now. But it was a lot of fun! :)

Anyway, school was ok. Mina was absent (after telling me to make sure I turn up for school!). But things were still ok. We had some major dramas, though. Our CGPA's were affected because the computer system churned out the wrong marks for all of us. Seriously! Many of our CGPA's really dropped! When they fix this, and I hope they do, my CGPA will go up by 0.3. I know that sounds small but trust me, it's plenty.

Another thing was that our Literature marks weren't included. Which means, our CGPA is based on only 3 subjects as opposed to every one's 4 subjects. The SU Peperiksaan insisted that we find a way to include Literature in our trials. And we did! We made sure our teacher had a question paper for us and that she marked in in time for our class teacher to key it all in. But they didn't! Susah, susah only la.. :(

Apparently there's a reason for this but we couldn't find the SU Peperiksaan to ask her. I'm going to make sure I ask her tomorrow. I'm really upset. This is so unfair! How are we supposed to apply for any early scholarships or early acceptance without Lit? Lit was the whole reason for me going to La Salle in the first place. For the course I want to do, Lit is a major upside. Without that on my trial results, it's useless!

Gimme my Sijil Berhenti Sekolah! Hmph.... :(

p.s: Nesh loved his present and so did Visha. Mina, well, we'll find out tomorrow.

Only 39 DAYS to the beginning of the end!!

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