Saturday, October 1, 2011


I have not learnt how to describe the sensation of your insides sighing and swooning. But that's how I felt today and still feeling right now!

Today was a great day. I haven't felt like this in such a long time. In fact, I can't remember when I last had this feeling at all.

School was great. Today was our last day before an 11 day break (because of PMR). Everyone had a ball of a good time. Our P.A teacher was missing in action, which meant 2 free periods. Also, we got our Econs marks back and I didn't do too bad. My CGPA isn't all that good but I feel improvement coming my way:)

Also, I found out that I won 2 media passes to the biggest, baddest book sale in Malaysia! The Big Bad Wolf Books Sale is opened to me and a few lucky others, one day earlier! :) I am pumped!

After school, my brother and I headed to the mall where he works. It was his off day so we hung out. That in itself was awesome because I really miss him! Anyway, we had something to eat and then we headed to the cinema, planning to watch a movie. However, there was nothing nice on. So that's the plan scuppered.

Anyway, on our way out, guess who I saw? Yusuf Amin! Some of you are probably wondering who this Yususf Amin person is. Well, let me fill you in. Yusuf Amin is part of the T4YP Alumni. T4YP stands for Theatre for Young People. It's a Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) thing. Yusuf joined the ensemble last year, with Dinesh. I first saw him in Twelfth Night as Orsino, Duke of Illyria. I remember thinking how great he was. The only other play I've seen him in is their latest T4YP production, Much Ado About Nothing. This time, Yusuf was in the alumni. He played Claudio. Again, amazing. He's has this presence about him.

I saw Yusuf Amin sitting in a restaurant, using his laptop. At first I didn't know if it really was him, but then I kept right on looking and, I think he sensed the power of my gaze because he suddenly turned his face towards me. I knew right then it was him. Also, my reflex action was to look away, which I did, after that split second recognition. That was starstruck moment number one.

Here comes starstruck moment number 2.

When we got home, I immediately went online, as usual. I checked my twitter account and I saw that someone replied to one of my tweets. It was none other than Nick Dorian himself! Wow! Two KLPAC encounters in one day? Phew!

Nick Dorian joined T4YP in 2009, but I first saw him in Twelfth Night too. He was Feste, the clown. And in Much Ado About Nothing, he played the part of Benedict. Nick Dorian has a really nice singing voice. It's beautiful! I just loved the part when he sang in those plays.

So, after watching Much Ado About Nothing, I tweeted about it, tagging T4YP. Nick Dorian replied to that tweet. My tweet! Then I replied to that which he then replied to. This went on for a few more tweets. I had a mini conversation with Nick Dorian! To me, this is akin to talking to Orlando Bloom. I was, honestly just so excited and in disbelief. Me, he replied to me! Just some random girl who saw him in a play. Wow! I felt so starstruck.

Awesome Possum man!

Those two encounters were amazing. Seeing one actor in real life, and having a conversation with another via twitter. No, they're not Hans Isaac or Siti Nurhaliza famous but I'd take KLPAC actors over the other kind anytime. They're stars to me.

I know, I shouldn't be so excited seeing as one of my classmates in an actor at KLPAC but this is just, argh! I know Dinesh, but I don't know Nick Dorian or Yusuf Amin. It's just different.

Anyway, because of the days events, I am on cloud nine. Nothing has brought me down, and nothing will. Not today at least:)


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