Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Short o' cake

Ok, so I've recoloured my blog. It looks ok now I guess.

I'm supposed to bake a cake for someones (or two) birthday which is tomorrow. It's a chocolate cake with some special butter cream orange icing. And chocolate fans!

Well, according to the recipes, the batter is supposed to fill two 8 inch round cake tins. Meaning, I'd end up with two round cakes. Then I'll cut the two cakes horizontally to get 4 layers. Problem is, I don't know what the book means when it says 8 inch round pan. Does it mean 8 inch in diameter or 8 inch in circumference? That's two different sizes, you know.

So, since I was confused, I used a 5.5 inch square pan instead. According to the logic in my brain, i should be able to get 2 cakes from that batter if I use the 5 inch pan. Logically la. But then again, how logical can that conclusion be when I don't even know what the book means by '8 inch round pan' ?

Anyway, I used the square pan and it turns out that the batter is only enough for 1 cake. Does this mean that the batter really was meant for one cake and I was supposed to make 2 batches? Why didn't they just say so!
Now, I have a 5.5 inch square cake that's not really very tall. It won't look birthday cakey at all. So, I have to whip up another batch of batter and bake another cake.

Which is when I realise that I only have 1 egg left. Not a good sign. So, I've sent bro to the shop to get some eggs. He's been gone for a while now. I think he sent his car for servicing too. Mangkuk.

Oh well, I'll just have to wait then. :P

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