Friday, April 13, 2012

European Moustache and Chameleon.

Hello! It's been a while since my last post. Which means, lots of updates in this one!!

First up, I just got Simple Plan's A Big Package For You DVD!! AHHH! Thanks mama for buying it and thanks to Jennia for carrying down for me!:) After being a fan for 7 years, I can finally say that I have ALL of Simple Plan's CDs. Nad and I are going to watch it soon, before Europe!

Speaking of Europe, it's only 10 days away. I've finally started helping mama with the train schedules and boy, lemme tell you, it is Confusing with a capital C (just in case you didn't notice that I capitalised the 'C'). We're taking the Eurorail Global Pass which makes sense because we can use the National Trains for free and we get discounts on train rides, bus rides ad even boat rides.

We're trying to come up with a plan. Just a rough estimate of which trains we're going to take to get to the different countries. It's going well but its a lot of work. Honestly, my dreams these past few days have been plagued with Departure and Arrival times! Also, the Trenitalia website keeps haunting me!

I tweeted about this and actually replied! Haha!:) That was definitely a fun part of today.

Anyway, I'm almost done figuring this out and I think we'll be ok. We'll spend a lot of time in trains but the view will be good and besides, I'm pretty sure the journey will be interesting. I plan on adding the famous Malaysian prefix, 'Lah', at the end of every sentence. Just to flaunt my Malaysianism in all the European people's faces :P

I'm taking my 'Jati Diri' and Patriotism with me all the way there! (even if I'm not 100% sure of the political, economical or social ongoings here)

Anyway, packing will have to start soon, next week, for sure. I hope we take just the right amount of stuff. We don't wanna over pack (like women are wont to do. Or maybe it's just me). Also, we need to make sure that we have enough space in our luggage and spare weight for the trip back. Don't want to be leaving any souvenirs behind. I have a list of things to buy and I shall have them all! Muahahhaaha! >.<

I'm going to bring my notebook along with me for the ride. I want to make sure I record every bit of awesomeness! Maybe get a flower from each country to press in between the pages of my book. Just for keep sake.

I'm also trying to figure out what would be a good, small souvenir for myself. I want something from each country. Like maybe a badge or.. I don't know, earrings? OH OH! I also want to make sure I find a moustache ring! If I do find it, I shall get one for myself and one for someone else who I know really wants one. Maybe, only if I get it, I'll mail it to her (once I get back la), just to surprise her:)

Alrighty, moving on. Erm, wait.. I lost my train of thought. Hmm.... Here's something to look at while I catch up with that train:
Got it all from THIS blog.

Now, back to what I was going to say. I'm learning to speak Hindi form the Pakistani bartender at work. He's a good teacher. So far, I can tell people my name, where I live, ask about them, and even how to say , "The water is boiling" and "The water is still boiling!". :) If I keep at it, I will be able to speak Hindi! (Now, please feel free so say whatever you want about me learning Hindi when I don't even know how to speak Tamil). Funnily enough, while learning Hindi, I started to think in Tamil. Like WTH! :P

Now, to the serious stuff. What happens when you really like talking to someone, but that's just it? It's the conversations that you like. The person is ok too but you don't like him enough to want to be in a relationship with him. Do you still talk to him or do you stay away? I mean, talking to him keeps the friendship but then you don't want to mislead him. And staying away is basically running. So, what do you do?

I have no idea. Seriously. It's not that I don't like him. I just don't like him enough. We talk a lot but I don't want him to get the wrong idea. I've already said no, twice, and I'm glad that it didn't ruin the friendship but sometimes I get the feeling that he's still trying. I mean, good on you for not giving up la, but don't expect me to change my feelings because I standby my response. I just don't feel about him the same way that he feels about me.

I think all this is really stupid. Why can't the guy I like, like me back? Why is it that in my entire 7, 365 days of being alive, the only 3 guys who've ever straight out said that they like me turn out to be guys I never really thought of in the same way? Why oh why?

But I'm also optimistic. I will find my guy one day, of that I'm sure. I don't know how or why, but I am definitely sure. And if all else fails, the Disney Princess in me plans on falling in love in Europe.

Oh, and about the title of this post; I really do want a pet chameleon someday. They're so adorable! I've always liked chameleons and once I saw Paschal in Rapunzel: A Tangled Tale, my love for them has grown! :)

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