Friday, March 30, 2012


A couple of things (or more).

First up, the Seduction Closet "Like and Win" contest is up and running. Which means, I am officially bugging everyone as well as spamming their wall to collect as many "Likes" as I can. So, I've spammed FB and Twitter. Now time to ask you readers to do the same! Here's the LINK. Just make sure you "Like" the page as well or else your vote will not be counted.

Just in case you can't find me, this is the picture you should like.
Very the model-ly pose right... :P
I just had to be all model-like la. It's not everyday you get the chance, right? I really liked the moustache on the sign:) I think it's the hype of going to France that's got me going gaga over cute moustache related stuff. hahaha!~

Anyway, please help a girl out ok:)

What's next? Hmm.. oh yes! Europe is happening in less than a month! OMG!! Mama and I still haven't renewed our passports yet and we've got some shopping to do too. And not to forget some details to plan. Things will go well, I hope :P

I've been quite busy lately. Lent seems to be packed with projects and also, it seems like everyone wants to meet up! SMKAM2 friends, La Salle friends, Sunday School friends and church too! I feel so busy la.:)

Ok, the next thing I really wanted to talk about it my next craft project. I'm going to make a DIY Astronaut T-shirt. When I say Astronaut here, I mean the Simple Plan version. There's this cute little Astronaut on Seb's guitar pick and I want to paint it onto a T-shirt.

I tried printing the design but it came out all blurry. I think it's because the original is quite small so when I blow it up, the pixels all look so cacated.  So, what I ended up doing was tracing the picture straight from the computer screen onto and A4 paper. 

Like the guy is doing in this picture:

Anyway, it came out pretty good. All I need now is to get a nice, comfy t-shirt so I can start my work! :) I want to get this done before Europe. 

The thing is, I've been so busy lately, and still am, that I don't have time for this! AHH! I'm gonna have to wait till after Easter to settle everything. That leaves me about 2 weeks. I think I can manage:)

That's all for now.
Remember to vote!! :)

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