Monday, March 26, 2012

F1 Malaysian Grand Prix 2012!

So, I was fortunate enough to be offered the chance to work during the F1 race at Sepang last weekend. It was mind-blowing! And ear splitting too!

I was a sales girl (along with Nadiah and Adeline), selling original F1 merchandise to the masses. It was good work. Standing all day, being flooded by huge waves of people. The standing all day wasn't too bad but the scorching sun was definitely terrible. Something not even SPF130 could protect me from.

The stand we worked at had a walk-in concept, as opposed to the over-the-counter concept that every other stand had. So, that arrangement required one person to stand outside the entire time. Somehow, that 'one person' always seemed to be me!

I'm not complaining, though. I'd take the sun any time as long as I can escape the stuffy tent. Since I'm so short, I can't get a breath of fresh air at all when I'm in the tent. There was this one Dutch guy who is 8 feet tall! He's got no problems with that at all. Anywhere he stands, he's got fresher air than anyone else:)

Team Lotus and Red Bull were really popular. Their stuff were flying of the rack. From t-shirts to jackets and hats. Even car models, land-yards and snow caps! I bought a Team Lotus t-shirt for myself:) I couldn't resist!

It's green and yellow (So Malayalee). Also, I first stared liking F1 when Alonso was driving for Renault, so I really like Renault and Lotus uses their engines. Also, Kimi Raikkonen drives for Lotus now too. And most importantly, Lotus is Malaysian!! So, Team Lotus babeh! :)

I made a few new friends in those three days. Really nice people that I really like and I really want to keep in touch with:) There's Marcus's cousin, Nicole, who is really friendly. She's really nice and really normal compared to Marcus! hahaha:) And apparently, she knows Nadiah but they didn't know that they knew each other till that day.

Then there's the two Dutch guys who work for the company, Jos (pronounced as "Yos") and Elia (pronounced and "Ay-lee-a"). They're both very awesome characters. I'd love to work with them again:)

Jos started of by calling me "Ma'am" at first but I didn't respond. I'm not used to people calling me that. Then, he saw that when Nadiah called me "Kath", I turned around straight away. He called me "Kath" after that. Elia, on the other hand, kept calling me "Bob" because of my Bob Marley cap. Those guys are great. Also, they can sleep right through the race even with all the noise!! I couldn't even hear myself scream but Elia managed to take a refreshing 30 minute nap. What a champ.

This was definitely a great experience. I wouldn't mind doing it again. Not so soon, though. I don't think I can survive. I don't know how they do it! They work longer hours than us. They have to set up the tents, unpack, pack and then take down the tents too! I salute them, man!

Anyway, I had a blast and I'm glad I made new friends. I'm still riding the high from the weekend. This is what I want. Being busy and surrounded by people that are nice and whom I feel comfortable with. I've only known them for 3 days but I already think of them as friends. The jokes, the fun, the serious moments and the getting to know each other, that is life. Yay, to making new friends! :)

I shall end this post with something I told Elia when he asked me to sing for them; "The Bob (Marley) in me has died... of soul cancer. There's no coming back from that. Sorry."

Dank U, Ik zal je missen!!
Left to Right: Nadiah, Maurin (8 feet tall in blue), Elia, Nicole, Jessica (blonde), Jos.
*Special thanks to Google Translate

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