Monday, March 5, 2012


I haven't talked about this and I think it's time I did.

So, I am now the LEYP President. (LEYP is the church youth group. It stands for League Extraordinary Young People). Anywhoo, I was honestly caught by surprise when I won the elections. Who would want anti-social, little me to be the Youth President?

So here I am now, being swamped with so much stuff to do. I now understand what Timmy and Eric had to face. This is no walk in the park, let me make that clear. There's lots of meetings and decisions that need to be discussed as well and events that need to be planned.

I'm really grateful to have such a great committee. Sure, sometimes one or two of them may need a little kick in the behind to get them going but really, overall, I'd say we have a great bunch. Everyone is enthusiastic. We have some fresh blood, which is always good. Most importantly, though, I have an awesome VP. We are so different in so many ways that I think we keep each other balanced. Also, she's so much wiser than me! :)

Right now, there's plenty going on for Easter. We have the Passover Meal, Movie Night, and the play (which includes hours of practices and tons of legwork). During all that, we have to get started on the Rally. We also have our twice a month gathering sessions and other extras we've come up with to foster friendship.

It really doesn't seem like much when it's written down like this but there's a dozen different details followed by a dozen other little details that need to be worked out. I'm having a ball. I enjoy this. It keeps me busy and it gets me out of my shell more often.

I hope I do well by them. I really want to keep the momentum going. The precious committee did such a good job and I don't want to let this die down. I don't want to let my committee down either. Everyone is so pumped and focused. I hope we do well.

p.s: This might be too soon to voice out, but I don't think I'll be going for a second term. 2 years is more than enough for one lifetime, I think.

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