Saturday, March 17, 2012

Muy Clasica!

Yellow! Hi again. So, firstly, I guess that I should post more often. Yes, I should.

Now that's settled, let's get down to business.

There are a few things to be excited about!

I saw Dillon yesterday! He's grown! I really miss him man! Anyway, he was so great to hang out with. He can be a little stubborn sometimes but he does listen to you if you tell him nicely. I really should go see him more often. I love being called Che Che. I love laving a little hand tug my finger to make sure I'm paying attention.

When we were about to leave, he started to cry. He kept saying, "Che Che, don't go. Don't go! Dillon come, Dillon come. Che Che don't go!". OMG! Is there anything more heartbreaking than that? Not to me!! I want to go again! :D

Anyway, another thing is EUROPE!~

Only two month till we fly roughly 12, 829 km around the world to Europe, babeyh! I really can't wait. At first, it felt like a dream. Then the whole AirAsia thing happened and hopes dwindled, but now... now it's reality!

My new countdown (I think I shall add a countdown widget on this blog) is for the 24th of April! That's 38 days away! (I didn't realise how close that was till counted just now). So, time to start hunting for many long sleeved t-shirts, thermal socks, new toothbrushes and luggage! We also need a camera and spare batteries as well as extra memory cards.

This is going to be epic! The three of us have never been on a holiday together, just us. So, this is going to be a first. Talk about going big on the first try! This is certainly that:) I think it'll be great. We'll be so far away from home. There'll be no distraction from our world. It'll be a complete escape.

I can't wait man! People keep telling me to prepare for a culture shock and I'm trying to but I think no matter how much I prepare, I will be blown away. So, why worry?!

Oh! Now let's talk about new stuff! I have a new bag!! Wohoo!!!:)

If you don't know me, I'm a terrible person to go serious shopping with. Window shopping is fine, but if I really want to buy something, I can be really picky. It's just that, when I buy something like a bag or a pair of shoes, I tend to buy for the long haul. So, I am very particular about every little bitty thing. Sometimes that's good, sometimes it's just a pain in the ....

So anyway, I have a new bag... after months of searching! We found it in PAS of all places! It's a beautiful small-briefcase like bag. (I'd post a pic but we still don't have a camera yet and my phone camera isn't really clear at night). It's brown with a light gray strap and flap. It looks muy clasica (that's Spanish, by the way. No, we aren't going to Spain).

Also, we found shoes! I looked high and low for shoes that I liked. I found a few but there wasn't any in my size. I went to I-don't -know-how-many shoe stores and found none! Finally, we went to a shoe store mama's been going to for years. They used to do custom orders and stuff. I found awesome flats, veltvet-like, and really cute heels! So, I bought (or Mama did) 3 pairs of shoes that day! Now, I'm well stocked:)

Moving on, I dyed my jeans! I discovered the wonders of Dylon Fabric dye, thanks to Mama:)My faded, washed out jeans (which mama say's is too ugly to be worn to church) has been dunked into a vat of simmering dye water! It's now a pleasant blueish-grey colour:)

This makes me want to dye more stuff!!!

Let's end with this:)

'I'm not crazyMy reality is just different from yours  - The Cheshire Cat from Alice In Wonderland.

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