Sunday, July 22, 2012

In WA....

I'm back!

Perth was great!:) It was nice to see Uncle James again, even though I don't really remember him. They were simply amazing to me. Kept feeding me, took me places. I had a ball. It's winter now so obviously, I was pretty cold (and I hate being cold) but otherwise, it was an awesome visit. 

Somehow, the sky feels nearer. I know that's stupid but that's how it feels. The moon seems a lot closer and in turn, the sky seems nearer too. The stars are all different as well. I could see stars every night. Their house is in a suburban area so the was minimal light pollution which meant that the stars shone in all their glory.

I saw kangaroos and koalas, foxes and owls, wallabies and wombats and even a dancing parrot! I was followed around by lambs for a minute and had my blouse chewed on by a goat. I fed a donkey too! I could not believe how big it's mouth was! Incredible!

They also took me to a chocolate factory (and yes, I obviously bought some chocolates, duh). Right next to that was a vineyard and we tasted wine and cheese. Yum:) Of course, in the dead of winter, the vineyard was bare but the wine was pretty good. And the view was great too.

One thing I really liked was that there were wild rosemary bushes growing everywhere. And the lavenders were in full bloom too. All in all, Perth smelt great! Between herbs, flowers and barbecue, my nose was having a party.

I bought tons of stuff to. Mission accomplished! I found shoes my size, jeans that I like, great blouses, a set of Rummy-O, and even matte nail polish! I spent every penny I had and I regret nothing. Oh, I also bought kangaroo meat back for bro. We're going to cook it tomorrow.

I tasted all three things that were on my list; kangaroo, crocodile and baramundi. My favourite of the three is crocodile, hands down. It tastes a little bit like chicken and totally delicious. Kangaroo isn't too bad and baramundi is really just another fish to me.

Anyway, I had a fun time there. I did miss home very badly but at the same time, I wish I could've stayed longer. I'm glad to be back though. The comfort of my own home, my own bed, the PC all to myself:)

All that's left now is a month more of nothing and then begins my life in Uni. I'm stoked and very nervous about it. It's going to be the start of a new chapter and I cannot wait. I'm pretty sure I'll have a great time. No doubt about that.

As for now, I'm going to sleep so I can wake up tomorrow and try own the new nail polish:)

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