Wednesday, July 4, 2012

An Update of Sorts... :P

Just thought I'd update this part of cyberspace with the few on-goings in my life.

First up, I'm heading to the land down under! Yessir:) I'm going to Perth for 2 weeks:) It'll be a blast and I can't wait! Ahhhh! I'm gonna feed some kangaroos and hug some koalas. Perth, here I come!!

Something else worth mentioning is that I wrote an article for the CDM Today! For those of you who do not know; CDM Today is my church's quarterly newsletter. For the next issue, the editor (I think it was the editor) asked the youths to contribute an article. After very little discussion, this task was given to me.

I have to admit, I had a little trouble coming up with something to write but I managed. I sent it to the editor, fully expecting it to be rejected with requests that it needed polishing up but to my utter surprise, it was well accepted! And so, my article will be published in the July issue:)

I'll post it here once the newsletter is out.

Also, I'm contemplating cutting off my locks. I've oscillated between loving the long hair, wanting it to grow longer and hating it and wanting to cut it short and save myself the hassle of dealing with it everyday. Right now, I'm back to keeping it. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how long I can keep this pendulum moving and where it might end up stopping.

And one last thing; I'm currently reading Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. At first, I wasn't to sure if I liked it. It takes a lot of brain power to process everything. It's a whole new world with no point of reference at all. Seriously, everything is alien.

But then, as I kept going, I realised that it's a pretty interesting book. Sure, I can't actually read it when my brain isn't fully awake ('cause I won't understand have of what's going on normally but when my brain is half asleep, everything gets foggier) but when I really focus, I find myself enjoying the story even though I can't understand half of what's going on. I guess it's not too bad, my blurness, because this is probably how one of the character's Arthur Dent must be feeling too. It's all just so weird!

But fun:)

Anyway, time for more tetris.

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