Saturday, January 26, 2013

People Are Not My Thing

The new DW episode will be out on the 30th of March! 

Ok, now that's out of the way, I can move on to other things. 

I wanted to talk about this semester. I realised that this semester is lighter compared to the last one in terms of the numbers of days I have to go to uni. This semester, I only have 3 days of class which is pretty good because I get a lot more time to work on my assignments. The bad side of it is that I have too much time which leads to a severe lack of motivation.

I have assignments and I am working on it much earlier that I used to but because I have so much free time, I don't feel the pressure to complete said assignments. On top of that, I have way more group assignments this semester (4 in total) which isn't good for motivation either. Every time there's a decision to be made or an adjustment to the project, we need to consult the entire group. That's can be a pain in the rear seeing as the group consists of 5-10 members. I'm sure you would agree that getting 10 university students to agree on something or even meet up for a discussion is about as easy as retrieving the golden egg from a nesting dragon, meaning, not very easy at all.

For one project, we're supposed to design and conduct a non-experimental research project and write out individual lab reports. That's one. Another project requires us to come up with a presentation about the topic of the week (our topic is on alcoholism. Which reminds me, I have yet to download the slides. I'd better do that now). Those projects are done in groups of 5. Now, in groups of 10, we're supposed to experience something 'Malaysian' and report it. For the other, we have to organised some sort of community project thing (like a fund raiser, or exhibition) and then write a report about it. So you see, this calls for some serious commitment from every one.

So far, we've only started the research project and even that is proving to be a pain. We started off ok, coming up with a research idea. However, we've hit a metaphorical bump in the road and we need to redesign out research idea. This is not going to well. We've having a little trouble finding time to meet and our brainstorming sessions via whatsapp is not going very well. 

I really like my group mates but we're not doing to good. We really need to step it up because our assessment date is coming up and we've yet to come up with a plausible research idea. We need to get cracking lest we fail this assignment which would lead to us failing the entire subject. And that's not a good thing because if we fail this particular subject, we have to spend the next semester doing nothing but resitting this subject. I do not want that. 

I hope we manage this. Soon.

Anyways, I know I sound really whiny right now and that I should embrace these assignments and learn to work with groups. I know. And I will try my best because I do think it's important. However, I do think that the 'working with people' part is not what's bothering me so much. It's the 10 people in a group that's got me irked. I can deal with small groups. But 10? Now that's just too many. It's not going to be easy. 

I guess this is a good time to increase my patience level. 


Night folks, have a good week! 

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