Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Whovistically Exciting!

The first day back at uni was pretty good. I was happy to see them all again. It was really nice. Everyone looks pretty much the same as they did last year only a little more tanned. I guess everyone had a little fun in the sun over the break.

Class was interesting. I like our lecturer. He's funny sometimes, and strict although not unfairly so. He's young so I guess he connects with us in a way. I'm actually excited about this subject because we get to design our own experiment AND we start with the whole SPSS stuff. I already know a bit so I'm not as worried as the others may be. I'm happy.

I'm also excited about our career guidance subject. Firstly, because it's only for the first seven weeks (yay!) and secondly, because this will be, finally, a perfect opportunity for me to explore my options for the future. After all, it's career guidance! :)

Anyways, as I've mentioned before, there's a lot going on this year. I'm merely 2 semester away from finishing my first year (yay!) and entering my second year as a psychology student (2nd year electives seem a lot more fun than 1st year electives). Also, I'm turning 21!!!

It's a big deal. Finally, an "adult" according to the law and societal standards. It's really cool. I cannot wait!

I was looking through Amazon and I found Doctor Who merchandise! Sonice Screwdrivers: Ten's (blue LED with invisible ink pen), Eleven's (green LED with prongs that extend like the real thing), River's (blue and red LED) and a trans-temporal one that looks really cool. Also, I found The Master's Laser screwdriver. I added them all to the wishlist with some notes (ehhehehe!).  

ALSO, while I was looking at them screwdrivers, I found the Van Gogh 'painting' from the Vincent Episode. The one of the TARDIS exploding. It's a real poster on canvs like thingy! It's so cool! I added that to the wishlist too because it's so pretty and Vincent is one of my favourite episode:)

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