Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Another round...

And here it is again, a  new year, young and full of possibilities:)

It's been a good start to my year. I had my friends and my family and lots of excitement too:)

We had a dinner at home with friends and my brother and I stayed up till 7am the next day. I only woke up at  2pm. So basically, my last day of 2012 was also my shortest day of the year! Hahhaa.

Oh well. The first day of this year has been good, to be honest. I had a nice chat with a certain Whovian which was great. He told me about this place called Forbidden Planet which is THE place for cult entertainment (that's what is says on the website: "Your Cult Entertainment Megastore). There's a store in London but they also ship to Malaysia. The have EVERYTHING Whovian and LOTR and any other fandom you can think of (I hope). I know what I'm getting myself for my birthday:) Anyways, it was a a nice conversation to start the year with.

However, I'm not too thrilled about having to wait 4 months for the next Doctor Who episode. 4 MONTHS! That's an entire semester! But then again, perhaps it's a good thing. I can concentrate on psych and think of the new episode as a reward:)

This is a big year. I start my second semester on the 7th. Then there's the whole turning 21 thing (the whole gang!). And and, by mid-July this year, I shall be done with my first year in university. Also, Pete is leaving for the UK at the end of the year (that's still far off so I'm not going to think about it). 

Davina and Peter got me this 5 year journal. I'm supposed to write one thought each day for the next 5 years. I think it's a brilliant idea. Imagine that. Writing a thought, just one thought, everyday and then going back to it after a year. Now that's really taking a walk down memory lane. I'm gonna make sure I keep some paper clips handy just in case I want to write more than one thought a day:)

Anyways, I hope we all have a great year, as always. Growing up is scary but also very exciting and I'm ready for anything.

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