Friday, March 29, 2013

Being Small and Happy

I was just thinking about this a few days ago. I said before that I don't want to be big. I want a simple life, on a farm. I'm not interested in being a well known PhD holder, world shaker type of person. What I want is a farm, a family and art. I want a simple life and I want to enjoy the simple things in that simple life.

I've been told that I'm special and this 'simplicity' is a waste. I'm bright and smart and kind and I should do all I can to be big and change the world (the world needs a lot of changing, I agree). Sometimes, I believe that. Sometimes I think, "Yeah, I should be big. I should work hard, expand my network and tackle real issues. Be the change." But then I realise that this is not what I want. Yes, the world needs fixing, and yes, I can help fix it, but I'm not interested in being some first class doctor or expert. I do not want to be an ambassador of some cause or the other. Those are all noble deeds but I don't want to be the person to do it.

I'm not one for ambition. I don't have anything against people with big dreams, you go get 'em. But I don't dream big. Not in the same stereotypical way, that is. My big dreams consist of a family, cows and chicken, an art studio/art therapy center, a big garden and a carpentry business on the side. This is what I yearn out of life. This is my goal. My main objective.

Now, this does not mean that I'm just going to sit by and watch the world spiral into a massive state of disrepair. No. What I'm going to do is fix it, one step at a time, in my own little way. I want to start an art therapy center. This method will not fix huge chunks of the world but it's a small start.

This is what I want. This is what I will have for myself. No big press releases, no big titles, no huge fan bases or giant houses. Just little ol' me in my little ol' round farm house running my little ol' art therapy center. All the while, doing carpentry on the side. :D

I think I can still be small and happy. Hey, I know I can be small and happy.

And I will be.

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