Saturday, March 30, 2013

Music for Numbskulls

Warning: contains strong language.

As a Malaysian, I am utterly and unequivocally infuriated at these ignorant imbeciles. What to they think they’re doing supporting a musical that bashes the LGBT community? I mean come on, how stupid can you be?? And you plan on stuffing these beliefs down the throat of every student in the country?

You bash the LGBTs because you don’t understand them. They ‘go against your beliefs’, you say. You think they’re disgusting and you honestly believe that every LGBT “throws loud parties, takes drugs and has casual sex”? Man, you have gone way past dumb and entered the realm of complete absurdity.

A person’s sexual orientation does not dictate whether or not they’re good people. A homosexual and heterosexual are equally as likely to  “throw loud parties, take drugs and have casual sex”. It’s got nothing to do with sexual orientation and everything to do with your personal morals and principles. 

For the first time in my life, I am going to say that I am appalled and embarrassed at my fellow countrymen. They are staining my beautiful home with their dimwitted nonsense and I want nothing more than to stick every single person involved with this “musical” into a correctional facility. Though I do not hold much hope; some of them are just too far gone.

God bless Malaysia.

p.s: I am also very much annoyed at the fact that they’re using something as beautiful and precious as a musical to spread this disease.

p.p.s: I've had it with LGBTs who poke a stick at straight people who are supportive of them. We don’t support you to show that we’re not homophobic. We do it because we support human rights and we want you to have everything we do. We support the eradication of crippling stigma towards the LGBT community and marriage is just one part of it. So kindly remove that stick from up your behind.

End song.

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