Friday, March 15, 2013


I've left for quite a while again. 

Honestly, I have not been motivated enough to write anything even though I usually have a million different thoughts running through my mind on any given day. It seems that whenever I try to write a new post about anything, anything at all, I draw up a blank.

I didn't know why. I was baffled. I thought perhaps my mind was tired or that I was focused on my assignments. But no. That's not it. The reason I have not been blogging much is because I am unable to keep my focus.

It keeps running away from me. My focus. I cannot seem to pay attention for one thing for too long. And by "too long" I mean anything more than 2 minutes (even that's a struggle sometimes). I find my thoughts drifting off every few minutes. I think about nothing at all. Sometimes I think about everything at once.

If I wrote out my thoughts during these moments, I wouldn't be able to find the right words because my brain works so much faster than my fingers can type. My brain thinks in abstract views and everything is somehow related. It's like watching 14 television screens at the same time, each screen showing a different thing. Yet, I understand everything (that's obvious though because it's my thoughts after all, no?)

Anyhow, here I am. I told myself to make sure I post something, anything. I feel like my writing skills are getting a little rusty. Also, my reading habits have been abysmal lately as well. It's taking me more than a week to read one relatively skinny novel. I'm ashamed of myself. Nothing has really captured my attention, you know? I've tried reading so-called interesting books but I've had no luck yet. 


OH! I've been reading statistics stuff for the last hour. Or at least trying too. First up, stats is not easy. I understand when I read but the application part is stumping me. We have to run a Pearson's r test using SPSS for our assignment and to be honest, I'm completely lost. I know how to run the test but analysing it is a whole different ball game. I see numbers. I do not know what to do with the numbers but there sure are a lot of it. I'm going to keep trying. The tutorial this Monday is supposed to be on Pearson's r so I hope it helps. 

One other thing before I leave. DOCTOR WHO!:
1. A sonic screwdriver and a poster of "Van Gogh's" Exploding TARDIS is on it's way here as I type this. I AM BEYOND EXCITED!
2. The new episode will be out in 15 days!
3. I am building a TARDIS Bookshelf of my own. I shall keep you posted on the progress. So far, I've sketched the design. My dad and I are still debating on whether to make it form scratch or modify a bookcase. We'll see how it goes.

Allon-sy folks!

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