Friday, May 17, 2013

I am human, I am human, I am human

Warning: This post is mostly a rant about how socialising sucks.

I thought that as I grew older, it would be easier to deal with other human beings. Man, was I morbidly mistaken.

Why are friendships so hard to maintain? Heck, why are they so hard to start? I know, because the world is filled with people all yearning to be understood but barely anyone is ready to understand.

Why am I irrationally upset? Is this hurt even irrational? Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill?

I have no answer for any of those questions.

All I know is that I'm upset. I hate being treated like I'm such a terrible friend when in fact, I know I'm not. I don't back stab people, I am honest without being hurtful (at least I always try to be) and I even make an effort to remember important dates (I'm terrible with dates. I'm your stereotypical guy). Yet, I get treated like a bag of yucky rotten bananas.

I don't even want to try and fix this because what is the point of investing your feelings when you're only going to end up hurt anyways?

I am not a bad friend.

I am not the best but I am human and so are you. Is this an excuse? HELL YEAH IT IS. It's also a fact.

I think I deserve better than this. I think WE deserve better than this.

All that talk about accepting people for who they are and not forcing them to change to your idea of a good person but rather letting them find their way to change for the betterment of themselves. What a load of bull.

I am pissed (as you can probably gauge from my writing).

I don't like playing social mind games. Just don't. Be up front with me. I can take it. What I cannot take is all these mixed signals, shadow play and misty intentions.

I'm a simple girl. I like my alone time and my small band of friends. Power play is not what I'm after.

God, socialising is a pain in the nether regions.

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