Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lost And Now, Found

I've been away for a while. I've just been to lazy to write anything out lately mostly because my brain is travelling unusually fast these days. My fingers just can't keep up. Even now, I'm struggling to remember what ever it is I wanted to blog about. There's just so many things swimming in this brain of mine!

OK, let's see. Visha's Birthday party. It was great. We ate at the Frames in Sunway. The food was great (the portions were a bit small for my liking but taste-wise is was awesome). Then we cut the cake and everyone there fed Visha some cake. By the time all of us were done feeding her, she was fed up of cake. Anyway, a lot of people left after the whole cake thing and toast. So then, when there were only about 5 or 6 of us left, we played 'Truth or Dare'. It was fun. We made Beng Hua dance in the middle of the restaurant and Dinesh had to give a cupcake to a small, uninterested girl . Then I had to dance too. I did a little Saturday Night Fever thing which didn't actually work out:) A couple from the table across the room got up and danced a bit too! It was a fun night, for sure.

What else? Hmm, work has been OK. I miss June, though. She started University and the SPG stand has never been more boring. No one seems to be able to take her place. Three of them are new to me and Aqil isn't exactly always there. Sometimes I think he's just being lazy. He rarely seats guests and more often than not, he's everywhere but the door. There's no way he can take June's place but I thought he'd at least be there with me. I guess not. The new managers are pretty fun. The current GM reminds me a little of Adrian (I miss Adrian!) and everyone else seems alright. I haven't seen much of Amy but I'm sure I will in the coming days. I just miss the old Friday's. Before things changed. It's amazing how much can happen in the span of 6 months. People move on, change and get married and have a baby. If you had told me 6 months ago that things would have changed this much, I'd laugh and think you're crazy. I guess I'm the crazy one for thinking that anything could stay the same for long. However, there are a few calming constants. Ramesh, Sanjiv and Amy. 

Oh well, what next? Oh yeah! CHRISTMAS is here! Advent starts this weekend and everyone is getting into the spirit of things. Friday's is getting decked out and the house is going to be too. A whole year has passed by. Incredible. This is going to sound contradictory but; 1) it's been a long year and 2) it's amazing how fast the whole year sailed by. I can't wait for next year. I'll finally be able to remove the "P" sticker from the car and I'm turning 19 in February. My last year as a teenager!

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