Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Running Through My Mind

Sometimes I wonder; am I normal? are my thoughts that of a sane person? or do I just think too much?
Who am I? Who am I supposed to be or going to be? What was I supposed to do? Am I doing things right? Is he/she thinking what I think they're thinking? Did I just misinterpret that? Did I miss my chance? Will I ever...?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I finally feel like typing so here I am. I do not feel like editing though, so I apologise about the lack of colour or any spelling errors that may or may not occur:)

Let's talk, or type, about guys. It seems to me that they're the one topic we, as in women, can never get enough of. On one hand, they dependable, caring, protective and funny. On the other, they're annoying, clueless and amazingly complex (but they don't know it). I'm going to start with the first set of assets. Dependable (some are), caring (most are), protective (they all are) and funny (to each his own). I find that most guys are dependable, if and when they choose to be. It may seem to us that they're more committed to their friends but I think that's only because we see what we want to. Girls are pretty needy even when they think they're not. There's nothing wrong with being a little selfish but we sometimes put too much stress on them to spend time with us. We have to understand that they need some guy-time. They may not put it that way but that's exactly what it is. They like spending time with us but sometimes they just need to escape. We all need it from time to time. The thing about guys is that they care but they don't really show it. My brother is exactly the same way. Once, I drove late at night (which is unusual for me) to my best friends house to collect something. The last thing I expected was for my seemingly uncaring brother to call me, sounding all worried, asking me where I went at 12am. I was pleasantly surprised and a little annoyed at his tone (which was angry). He was trying to scold me for being late without revealing how worried he was. It's those things they do that we forget. Sometime, we get upset at them when it's not even their fault. We, women, have to start understanding ourselves. We have to start learning the difference between being angry at the situation or being angry at the person.

However, as sweet as they are, guys are most of the time a lot to deal with. They can be so clueless. Sometimes, they genuinely blur and we'll have to explain things one step at a time. Other times, they use our assumption of how blur they are to cover up mistakes or escape from actual thinking. They think we're complex? I have news for you. They worse! They have the same syndrome as girls. "If you don't know whats bothering me then I'm not saying". That's one really dumb and costly syndrome to have. How is anyone supposed to know what's bothering someone else if they don't say anything? We're supposed to mind-read, is it? Girls do it to guys and unfortunately, guys have started doing it to girls too. The only difference is, we girls can't keep shut and we end up telling them whats wrong. Guys, however, would rather not tell but then get upset all over again when the same thing happens. If you don't want history to repeat itself, let the other person know! So then, if he/she repeats then mistake, they'll know it. As opposed to them repeating the mistake and being completely clueless as to whats making you all taciturn. They like to think that they're the simple folk but that statement right there just proved that guys are as complex as girls! Sometimes, I just wish I could sit them (guys) down one by one and explain to them exactly what they need to know. 'Why is that person angry?', 'why did she say that?' or 'why is she crying?'.  I feel like shaking some sense into them. I'm sure guys sometimes feel the same way about us.

The same goes for girls. I think the two sexes just need a dash more patience to understand their counterparts. It take effort on both sides but its for the greater good, no?!

How's that as 'food for thought'?

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Christmas is here guys! Another year, another round. But this year, it's a whole different ball game. This is the first year I'm working during the holidays. Last night, I had the closing shift. It was packed! Luckily for us, Boss was constantly at the door to keep the crowd under control for us since we're all pretty small. The waiting list was about 3 pages long! I had a lot of fun. There was, of course, some drama but nothing too major. The SPG's didn't even crack with Boss being there the whole night. By the time it was 9pm, Boss was leaning against the wall. Our last call was at 12am. I had lots of fun and I'm glad I was there to wish them all face to face. Even our RM wasn't being as annoying as usual (must be Christmas gift). I'm off today and tomorrow (the only one off today!). So, I'll be back there in two days but I'll only get to see Boss again in four days because he's of on the 27th and 28th. Four days without him, how am I going to make it?! He's such a nice man to work for. I'll really miss him and Chris and Amy when I go back to school. Hopefully they'll still be here after I finish my STPM. If they get transferred, I'll go where they go! :)

It's been really exhausting, working through the holidays. I still haven't made any Christmas cookies yet! And We only just finished cleaning the house yesterday. It's fun, the whole adrenaline rush thing, trying to get everything done for Christmas, but it's just really tiring. I gave JuneBug her gift and she loved it (yay!). This Christmas is a crazy one, and it's still on going.

Right now, I'm too lazy to even type. So, I'm off to stare at the ceiling!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oh December!

Hey BlogWorld, I'm back after 11 whole days! And what and amazing 11 days it was.

Let's start off with Ma's birthday. It didn't go as planned (I should be getting used to this by now) but it went great. Bro got transferred on that day itself to Curve and everyone was more than a little stressed. Dinner was cancelled and things weren't looking too good. I was off on that day so I made ma a Smiley Cake.

It took me the whole day because I made it two layered with chocolate frosting in the center and butter icing on top. I steamed a fish for ma and me for dinner. Aunty Lucy came over as did Aunty Pat and Daniel and Nadiah. When ma came home, we sang her a birthday song! Bro even managed to come home early. So then, Aunty Pat and Nad went home and the rest of us went out for dinner. The fish went in the fridge:)

From the 9th till the 12th, I was kept busy helping ma with her CERiA stuff. They had a symposium, 'The Lancet Series Symposium: HIV In Drug Users' (9th & 10th) followed by a two day WHO-UNAIDS Consultation Meeting (11th & 12th). The symposium was truly enlightening. I learned a lot from all the speakers I heard. After those two days in the symposium, I definitely understand the need for research and policy change when it comes to battling stigma and the disease itself. Mostly, I just drove ma around to where ever she needed to go, including KLHilton->UM, UM->KLHilton, UM->PJHilton, vice versa and KLHilton->PJHilton. We were all so tired but just kept going. We were running on adrenaline those four days. The consultation wasn't really as taxing as the symposium but I still had a fair share of driving around to do. We had to transfer about 19 people's baggage from PJ to KL, get them checked in the new hotel and place each bag in the right room. It took us four hours to figure things out. Lucky for us everyone else was busy with the symposium. By the time they arrived, everything was settled and we headed to KLCC for dinner. We had a Chinese-style dinner with 8 courses. The food was, of course, delicious. However, the portions were to small for me. I was still hungry at the end. My favourite course was the Prawns with Oats. It was the bomb! High cholesterol prawns coated with healthy oats and then deep fried to gives us the ultimate, most delicious unhealthy course ever! I'd eat that again and again if I could.

Because we were helping out with the two events, we got to stay in KL Hilton for 2 nights and then PJ Hilton for another 3 nights. It was awesome! KL Hilton was of course more expensive and a lot more modern. They had a plasma TV in the room and a bathtub and shower. the Bathroom was beautiful. PJ Hilton was great too. Although not as expensive or modern as KL Hilton, I still preferred this one. It more my type. Homey and cozy as apposed to modern and sleek.

Anyway, after the 12th, I went back to my usual days but I was still exhausted. Work has been wonderful with he exception of June's absence. I really miss her. I haven't seen for more then a week now. Christmas is looming and there's a lot more things to be done.

I have a lot more to say but this is all, for now. I didn't have access to a computer last weekend so I stored everything in my brain and I'm in the process of transferring it to paper before I lose it all. I'll be sure to update my blog more often!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Human Nature Can Sometimes Be Nauseating

Let's start with human nature. As I've said before (or have I?), it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round. However, certain types of people, in my humble and angered opinion, do not deserve to be part of this world. We are all part of this world, made by God to live in it, to grow, evolve and cherish everything in and around it. But some beings, sentient beings, with brains and the works, must have missed that part of humanity class. A couple of days ago I saw a cat. This particular cat is a regular part of our daily lives. It sleeps under the big crate in our veranda, it's dining table is our back alley and it is even historically connected to this house. It's mother was the cat that used to climb in stealthily through the windows at night, sleep in the hall and climb back out before any of us wake up.So let me ask you this, how could any normal human being do such a terrible thing to an innocent animal who is trying to survive just as we are. When I was outside, I saw that the right eye if the cat was blood red and pooping out (not hanging out just popping out as big as a marble form its sockets). The fur around its head and front body was wet and it was purring sadly. Some one had poured hot water on the cat. This cat who has done nothing but eat the scraps of the road behind our house, the cat who keeps the children occupied while you cook, the cat that has no fleas and such an adorable face, the cat who has harmed you in no way has suffered in you hands for absolutely no reason. I fail to see the logic in that. I understand that some people detest the feline presence but pouring scalding hot water over them to chase them away is not right. The most you should do is wave a broom at them and keep your door shut. How would you feel if I poured hot water on you when you come to visit me?

This cat has a life, just like you and I. We define 'surviving' as having financial stability, emotional stability, a happy family, a steady career and so on. Well, for an animal, 'surviving' means finding enough scraps to eat, finding shelter when it rains, reproducing to ensure the survival of their species. Their plight may seem as insignificant to us adults as a child's plight to colour in the lines. But it is not. Can you remember, that as a child, the most important thing in the world wasn't paying the loans on time or getting food for the kids, it was making sure we coloured in the lines and our teddy bears were well protected against any night time monsters? As a child, those were the biggest problems we faced. Not important to an adult but very much important to a child. Paying your share of the class funds was just as a big a commitment to a teen as paying the car loan is to an adult. Do you get me by now? What I'm trying to say is, every living creature be it human or animal is trying to survive in different ways that are important to each in a different way and it is our responsibility to help each other. Cruelty to animal has to stop. When will we realise that animals are alive too. They each have a central nervous system just like any human being and therefore are able to feel pain, as real to any human being.

I'm not saying I'm perfect. Far from it. I can't be a vegetarian even if wanted to. I like to eat meat and I haven't been able to explain my unusually strong feelings against animal cruelty and yet still be able to consume meat. I haven't worked that out yet but I do know this; Cruelty towards animals is just as bad as cruelty towards human beings. It has to stop.

Moving on from depressing matters, I have exciting news.Today, on the way to work, I was stopped by a policeman. Just as I turned into the highway, a police cruiser signalled me to stop by the side of the road. At first I panicked. What had I done wrong? I was within the speed limit, I had my seat belt on, I wasn't drinking, eating, or on the phone while driving. So what was it? I sat there listening to my heart beat a violent tattoo against my chest while the police officer got down form his car and headed towards mine. I rolled down the window and gave him a small, nervous smile. Has asked to see my licence and ID which I handed to him with fumbling hands. He crossed checked it, made sure the road tax was still valid and then said, "You look really small to be driving". I could have laughed out loud! So then, my nervous smile became calm and I released a sigh of relief. He asked where I was headed and I told him I was on my way to work. Then he repeated that I looked too small to be driving as he handed my back my licence and ID. He let me go and I drove of towards the 'Sun' thinking; 'Finally!'.

Ever since I obtained my driver's licence, I was hoping a policeman would stop me so I could show off that, according to Malaysian law, I am not only old enough but also competent enough to be a driver. One dream came true today!

Oh and, even after our little shopping spree on Saturday, I still want to buy more things!