Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oh December!

Hey BlogWorld, I'm back after 11 whole days! And what and amazing 11 days it was.

Let's start off with Ma's birthday. It didn't go as planned (I should be getting used to this by now) but it went great. Bro got transferred on that day itself to Curve and everyone was more than a little stressed. Dinner was cancelled and things weren't looking too good. I was off on that day so I made ma a Smiley Cake.

It took me the whole day because I made it two layered with chocolate frosting in the center and butter icing on top. I steamed a fish for ma and me for dinner. Aunty Lucy came over as did Aunty Pat and Daniel and Nadiah. When ma came home, we sang her a birthday song! Bro even managed to come home early. So then, Aunty Pat and Nad went home and the rest of us went out for dinner. The fish went in the fridge:)

From the 9th till the 12th, I was kept busy helping ma with her CERiA stuff. They had a symposium, 'The Lancet Series Symposium: HIV In Drug Users' (9th & 10th) followed by a two day WHO-UNAIDS Consultation Meeting (11th & 12th). The symposium was truly enlightening. I learned a lot from all the speakers I heard. After those two days in the symposium, I definitely understand the need for research and policy change when it comes to battling stigma and the disease itself. Mostly, I just drove ma around to where ever she needed to go, including KLHilton->UM, UM->KLHilton, UM->PJHilton, vice versa and KLHilton->PJHilton. We were all so tired but just kept going. We were running on adrenaline those four days. The consultation wasn't really as taxing as the symposium but I still had a fair share of driving around to do. We had to transfer about 19 people's baggage from PJ to KL, get them checked in the new hotel and place each bag in the right room. It took us four hours to figure things out. Lucky for us everyone else was busy with the symposium. By the time they arrived, everything was settled and we headed to KLCC for dinner. We had a Chinese-style dinner with 8 courses. The food was, of course, delicious. However, the portions were to small for me. I was still hungry at the end. My favourite course was the Prawns with Oats. It was the bomb! High cholesterol prawns coated with healthy oats and then deep fried to gives us the ultimate, most delicious unhealthy course ever! I'd eat that again and again if I could.

Because we were helping out with the two events, we got to stay in KL Hilton for 2 nights and then PJ Hilton for another 3 nights. It was awesome! KL Hilton was of course more expensive and a lot more modern. They had a plasma TV in the room and a bathtub and shower. the Bathroom was beautiful. PJ Hilton was great too. Although not as expensive or modern as KL Hilton, I still preferred this one. It more my type. Homey and cozy as apposed to modern and sleek.

Anyway, after the 12th, I went back to my usual days but I was still exhausted. Work has been wonderful with he exception of June's absence. I really miss her. I haven't seen for more then a week now. Christmas is looming and there's a lot more things to be done.

I have a lot more to say but this is all, for now. I didn't have access to a computer last weekend so I stored everything in my brain and I'm in the process of transferring it to paper before I lose it all. I'll be sure to update my blog more often!

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