Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Car Is Like A Dog

Sometimes it's easy. I just slip into the driver's seat, turn the key and ease my way on. Everything works to my touch. The gear, the steering wheel, even the power windows. They're all compliant, fight-less, trusting. I can go anywhere. My wish is its command. I glide on smoothly - as smoothe as I can on a road plastered with pot holes. I feel like I'm in control, because I am.

And then there are times when this timid creature decides to play the raging beast. It fights me every step of the way. My every touch is no longer what it was. It's, now, always too.. something. Either too much or too little. I'm too hard on the brakes, too light on the oil, too abrupt on the wheel. Every turn I take is rough and every straight road journey I venture on is brimming with the inefficiency of the use of brakes, signal lights and gears, no matter how much effort I put into not wasting the 700 ringgit and countless hours spent at the driving school. It's like the I'm being told that I'm not worthy of it. Not worthy to control this astounding and most useful piece of invention.

Cars are temperamental machineries. They require a lot of care and attention. Regular servicing is what keeps it in tune; but that's not enough. You need to love you car. It's like a dog. It can feel when you're nervous or angry. And so, it doesn't always respond the way you want it too. Here's where we go wrong: it's not the car's fault, it's the driver's. When you don't give your car just the right amount of push, one way or another, you'll end up with a reputation of terrible driving.

Anyway, love your car!

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