Friday, February 4, 2011

Willy Wonka Appeared (or Rather Is Going To Appear) In My Dreams!

So, let me say this; this is the first ever holiday in my entire Form 6 life that I've spent actually worrying about school. I'm not completely stressed out about homework (because I have none) nor am I stressed out about studying (because I did a little and I'm still on track). I am, however, a little worried about my R&D project as well as the Ribbon Awareness Project, the two proposals I have to write for CSS and the Magazine. I'm not feeling overwhelmed or anything like that (because it really isn't that much work), I'm just worried that my habit of procrastinating will come back and bite me while I'm sleeping peacefully, dreaming of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory on a breezy, mid-April night.

I've managed to kick start my R&D project but the worst is yet to come. Believe me, handing out survey forms to over a hundred students (the majority of which are boys) is one thing, and getting them to fill it up is another all together. Here's the best past, after that's done, I need to manually analyse all the data. Meaning, I have to check every answer and record everything down by hand. No problem right? Well, after that, I have to come up with graphs & charts,explanations & hypotheses and not to mention conclusions. All that, I have to then pile together into a folio which has to be submitted before sometime in June. Awesome! I love school:)

Also, I've just realised that my room is a mess! I've to make sure I clean it up before leaving for Sabah. Knowing myself, I'll come home from my trip feeling lazy and I'll dump everything in my room and clean it up about a month later. Adding mess into an already messy room doesn't seem like the smart thing to do. I've been told before that I'm a smart girl and so, I shall act like it. My room will be sorted before I leave on that plane! :)

Trailing from that, I am super stoked that I'm going to Sabah!!!

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