Saturday, May 14, 2011

Emeralds of Mine

I have to blog this. I just HAVE TO!

So, I haven't mentioned this here but while in La Salle (still am in La Salle actually), I met a few gems. Amazing little creatures who I'm sure I'll remember for the rest of my life even if we happen to lose contact with each other. The first thing that strikes me is that no matter how much they deny it (only some deny it), they are truly La Sallians. They wear the greens of their badge proudly. These hand full of boys are wise beyond their years, fragile yet strong, brave, friendly, lovely and they teach me something new every time I see them (even if they don't know it).

First up, the batch of 13 year olds. Most of them (or maybe all of them?) I know from the Catholic Students Society (CSS). They're tiny (as in short), witty and actually quite brave. Form what I knew before coming to La Salle, the younger students don't usually stand up to their seniors. It's just not done. But here, they do it all the time. And in a nice way too. Always polite and wanting to show you that they're not afraid (even if their sweat glands suddenly flare up, giving them away). Always steadfast and true.

Then come the 14 year olds. Equally (some even more) witty, sarcastic yet sincere, taller, deeper (emotionally), and wise. This batch of boys I know from CSS and more. Particularly, one little creature is just so amazing when it comes to understanding. You'd expect that much from an 18 year old, not younger. Of course, their childishness is still the overwhelming factor but not as much when compared to some really spoiled brats I've been unfortunate enough to encounter. Another little creature is actually pretty fun. He is extremely friendly and I'm sure when he gets older, he'll have girls swooning over him (if he doesn't already). Add to that excellent writing skills and a lot less laziness than me, we have an amazing 14 year old blogger. I honestly lost myself in his blog. His sentence structures, choice of words, insight, wisdom and the ability to present his point of view ever so clearly has me begging for more! This child is truly talented. He has me wishing I wasn't so lazy. He manages to capture his every thought and feeling into his writing. I'm hooked (and a little envious about his talent and lack of a lazy bone when it comes to typing).

Moving on, I'm going to skip the 15 year olds because, unless I'm very much mistaken, I don't really know any. So, 16 year olds it is. Here, I've met some truly childish-way-past-their-age boys. I think once they grow up, they'll be amazing. Till then, I'm going to skip that particular breed of 16 year olds. I want to talk about the ones who've been a treasure. One boy stands out. Oddly enough, his best friend is the over-childish type. This treasure, he's actually very smart? and wise? in his own way. He's mature but at the same time, he knows that he's still a child and he makes allowances to be childish. I don't know if that made sense to anyone but me. Anyway, he has no hidden agendas, no qualms about telling you what he thinks straight up, is very open, loves what he loves no matter how weird it might be or how many people might make fun of him, and he's steady. I know that he'll always have my back, even when it will cost him something.

Then come the 17 year olds. Entering a season of change, growing taller and wider, getting smarter and wiser. Not the mention the ever busy schedule. Hopping from school to tuition to sports to various other co curricular activities and dates. These boys are indeed, forever on the move. Many of them are high achievers (whether it be academically or otherwise) and have a solid goal as well as a clear plan. That's something I hope will rub off on me soon. These boys are smart. I can see many of them going really far. And though many of them are just seasonal friends (to come and go like the leaves on a tree), one or two are definitely here to stay (in my life that is). I will not let them go, like it or not, for they are special and they make me smile and feel special too :)

Rumusnya, these gems have brought some light and shine into my life, even in the smallest of ways and I am, and forever will be, grateful. The Lord has showered upon me manna from heaven, food for my soul, in the form of beautiful people. Never forget those who bring light into your life. Even the tiniest of light can chase the darkness away. These are my gems (they do not belong to me but I do feel that somehow, at the right moments, they are there especially for me. Conceded, I know, but honest).

I love you guys and I'm ever so proud to call you my friends.

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