Saturday, May 7, 2011


Hey cyberspace.
So, as you know, I've left this part of the world wide web alone for a while now. My excuse; I've been buried under tons of work. But no fret! I'm finally getting the hang of it. Clue; Do NOT Procrastinate!

Anyways, Upper 6 has been a doozy so far. I've had different dramas in school, some drama at home and some internal drama as well. I think I'll start off with the school drama. First up, it seems that since Form 6 is only a year and a half, the drama decided to take the fast lane. Everything is snowballing faster than it used to. The four of us became 2 + 2, then 3 + 1 and now I've just made it 2 + 1 + 1; all in less than a year!

Friction was bound to spark into flames with two completely different personalities clashed. Sure, they seemed all 'BFF'-like at first, but any fool could see that it was only temporary. They didn't have any friends and so they stuck together. Now, sparks started flying and the camp has broken into 3. One over sensitive girl with anger management issues who thinks that knowing people will get her places and believes that the world revolves around her (one side), a guy who is an amazing character with self consciousness issues and has no idea when to keep his big mouth shut + a tough on the outside, soft on the inside girl who knows exactly the kind of people she likes and dislikes and will not turn back from a grudge without some major work (the other side), and the girl whose in love with all three of them but knows that she can't change them if they don't want to be changed and is stuck somewhere in the middle and is this close (holds thumb and forefinger 2mm apart) to knocking their heads together (that's me, making up the finally part of the equation).

I'm a much calmer person these days but sometimes I just wish I was my old self. The old me would have snapped along time ago (and lost all my friends in the process but at least I'd be at peace). However, I can't do that now. So I'm taking the 'Peace-No-War' road. I tried to explain to each person about the varieties of a human being and maybe steer them into making some changes. An obvious plan... that failed miserably. I found out why two days ago. One Father Paul taught me that change lies in the individual. You can't change anyone but yourself. You can do good and hope for change but it's a long shot. It's better to not even hope for change in anyone but yourself. Foolhardy (?).

Conclusion, I'm stuck. I'll be myself. Try my hardest to make changes in myself for the better and (since I'm an optimist) hope that people will make the right changes for themselves. I think I'll sign off now. It's really late and I have a reasonably long day ahead of me. Stay tuned for the next update! :)

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