Friday, May 20, 2011

Thin Ice

Plans scuppered, promises 'postponed', disappointment. It's the feeling that I hate. Disdain for the situation rather than the person/s who caused it. I do not hold anything against you for pulling out. I really don't. I do, however, blame myself for thinking you'd ever make an effort for me. I have been here for you, all the while waiting, riding the course of my moments around you. I love you and I would sacrifice a lot for you in the blink of an eye. You know that. I know you know that. But to think that you would do the same for me, that was foolishness on my part.

I have given, and given and I keep giving. All this while, I walked around you like I was on thin ice, thinking that I was the one in need of redemption and forgivness from you. I know better now. I've done my time. I have done what I needed and I've achieved salvation. You don't see that do you? You're still stuck on your pedestal, thinking that you're safe. Here's some news for you, while you were busy collecting your dues, I moved up. Look below you feet and see where you stand. Ice, baby. The thin kind.

This is not me being vindictive. This is me wrenching your eyes open. You need to realise that, this time, you were the hurtful one. This time, you need to work it out. I'm hurt and you did it. It's not about any particular incident. It's about you needing to know that you're not perfect. Also, stubborness gets you nowhere with me. I'm tired of giving in. Don't you think it's time you put in some effort from your side? I do.

Anyways, I love you. you know that, but just in case you didnt; I LOVE YOU! Just SEE me for once, kay? That's all I ask.

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