Monday, November 7, 2011

38 Days

Oh hi! :)

Guess what? Only 38 days to go before I am free! Free from my alarm ringing at 5.30am every weekday, free from the blue and white baju kurung which is my identity around 5-7 hours for 5 days a week. Also, and most important of all, I will be free from SCHOOL!

School will be out for good! I have waited years for this momentous, most joyous day to come and now, I can finally see it! I thought I was nearing the end about 2 years ago. That, as I soon discovered, was a temporary relief. But now, now it is the end. The permanent end. I am sure of it.

First, it was 2 years in kindergarten, learning the alphabet and how to count, making tissue paper worms and plastic bottle cap flowers, and meeting my best friend. Then, 6 years in primary school of making friends, learning to make the right choices, being bullied and learning to stand up for myself. Also, it's where I learnt math, discovered my love for writing and went on my first camping trip (in school and the first time out of school too). After that, it was 5 years in secondary school; a much scarier place but also the most educational. I discovered myself, developed and addiction to books, really bonded with my best friend (through thick and thin, countless fights and celebrations) and had some of the best times of my teenage life.

It could have ended there, but of course, it didn't. After the blissful and highly exciting 6 months of everyday being Friday, I went back to school, which is my last sentence. I'm almost at the end and I have to say, however much I'm awaiting the last day, I really am going to miss it all. Here, these past 18 months, I've met a great many people, funny and dramatic, nice and most irksome. I've learnt many useful things, from textbooks and teachers, had to dodge an almost stalker-ish young man's advances (does the first to approach always have to be a weird one?), had my mind set altered by a great bunch of students and also, met some people with positively noxious behaviours.

All this, I am grateful for. And this brings me to what happens 38 days from now. Freedom. Complete and exonerating. I will, finally, be able to say sayonara to that chapter of my life. In 38 days, a whole host of doors will be open to me and I can choose to walk through any one of them. More then one, if I choose to.

The point is, I will be able to explore. That is what I am most looking forward to. New people, new places, new experiences and, as one of my friends pointed out to me, NEW FOOD! :) I am hyped up! A whole new chapter in my life of pages just waiting to be read, scribbled in. Fuuh!

38 Days.

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