Saturday, November 19, 2011

Major Countdowns!

Right now, I'm counting down to 3 different events.

First up, STPM. That is only 2 days away! I'm not exactly panicking but I do worry a little. I hope I can remember everything I've studied. I hope I can answer the questions well. And, most of all, I hope that I don't lose touch with my friends; because STPM also means the end of my secondary school life. This is it, finally. I'm and done (almost)!

I really like my friends and I hope we still keep in touch with each other. It's not easy, after all, finding people that don't necessarily annoy me. So, we'll definitely meet up once in a while. Not the whole class, for sure. But I am sure about one or two of them. I love La Salle!

Up next is the END of STPM! Yes, that is a countdown too because it means I can finally forget about school and uniforms. I can start thinking abut Christmas! Actually, I'll be thinking about Christmas way before that date but this means I can focus entirely on one thing :) What to get for people, what people are going to get for me. It's a great guessing game.

Of course, and I don't mean to brag, but I'm an easy person to get gifts for. I have a few loves and if I receive anything that has to do with those loves, I'll be happy! But you know, I can be a little irksome sometimes. I don't want much but what I do want might cost a bit. But of course, not everything I want is about material stuff la. I don't mind if I don't get anything because I can earn my own money and get what I want for myself. So, all is well and jolly!

Now comes the greatest (next to the birth of Christ) countdown ever! SIMPLE PLAN's GET YOUR HEART ON TOUR! :) They are coming to Malaysia on the 14th of January and I WILL be there! I cannot express how much I want to see them live. I might even get a chance to meet them, talk to them, or get a hug, maybe? Who knows... anything can happen! Simple Plan is awesome! The only band I really go crazy for and after all these years, I still love them! 

I need to get myself their fourth (latest) album. I want to get it before their concert so I can sing along to all their songs. They sing amazing songs that I can relate to (most people can relate to it too). When they sing, it's as if they're singing for me. I'm sure all other SP fans feel the same and it's great because we're like one big family, all united in our love for Simple Plan :) 

Whenever I go through a moment, be it a happy one or a tough one, I can always find an SP song to fit. Always. They're always there for me and when they come, I want them to know that we all really love them! (and who knows, they might come more often). I know that they always find time to interact with their fans and I really, really hope and pray that they do the same here. It's not everyday you get to meet your guardian angels. 

They're human, just like me and you. The only difference is that they have billions of friends all over the world. They are there for me just as much as my best friend or my mother is. And so, that's why I call them my guardian angels:)


Now that I got that out of my system (though I think most of it is still in my system), I'm off to eat! :) I love food too!!

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