Sunday, August 5, 2012


Let's talk about disappointment. Well, if we could talk that is. But since we can't, let me type about it and you read it.

When I was just a lowly committee member in the youths, I tried to do well. Of course, there were times when I didn't give my full commitment. And there were also times when me and a few others thought that we could do better. Maybe because from our point of view, we saw many a faults in everyone else.

Now that I'm on top, I realised that it's much harder and I understand why it's so hard. Now, I actually thought that those whom I used to see eye to eye with would be there for me but I was mistaken. Right now, the ones who I was counting on are the one who seem to be letting me down repeatedly.

I never thought I would say this but I'm so fed up with them right now. We have a really young committee. Only 4 of us were actually part of the previous committee. So, it stands to reason that we would be the ones to help roll things along.

However, this isn't how it's going. I feel like I'm on my own. The rest of them, the young ones, they're ok. They don't know much and they need guidance but they are committed. The thing is, I cannot do this on my own. I need the help of the older ones but they've left me hanging.


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