Thursday, August 23, 2012

I want....

Someone to hold hands with.
Someone to kiss because I can.
Someone to watch crappy movies with.
Someone to walk around with.
Someone to play rummy with.
Someone to cuddle up with.
Someone to stroke my hair.
Someone to hug me from behind.
Someone to hold me when I cry.
Someone to buy me random gifts.
Someone to find new music with.
Someone to talk to.
Someone to cook for.
Someone to eat with.
Someone to make art with.
Someone to sit in silence with.
Someone to accept my love.
Someone to nag.
Someone to play under-the-table-footsie with.
Someone to watch plays with.
Someone to take to wedding receptions.
Someone to share a milkshake with.
Someone to stick up for me.
Someone to be my guy.
Someone who wants to be my guy.
Someone who wants me to be their girl.
Someone to love.
Someone who wants me to have their babies.
Someone to be the Carl to my Ellie.
Someone whom I will have forever in my life.

That Someone.

(2nd post of the day)

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