Monday, November 12, 2012

Being Who-vified!


I've been wanting to watch Doctor Who for over a year now but my abysmal downloading skills and lack of friends who even know what Doctor Who is has severely impeded my progress. But this year, this fun filled year has led me to this moment. I knew this day would come. It's finally here!

Davina, darling Davina gave me 6 series of DW (from the ninth Doctor onwards. I shall look for the earlier ones once I'm done with this).

I started watching a couple of days ago. I'm now 10 episodes in and completely in love. OMG!

There was a lot of pressure for me. I saw a lot about DW on the net and I wanted so badly to watch it and to truly love it. I was a little apprehensive about it. Alas, I THINK IT'S GREAT! Totally awesome!


I'm so happy! I can't wait to finish series 1 and move on to the next!

Nine is adorable. Christopher Eccleston has some serious acting skills. He has this adorable smile; so cheeky and full of life! And in the DALEK episode, he was seriously maniacal. I mean, he totally lost it when he saw the Dalek! I get it, though. The Great Time War and all the Doctor's people are dead at the hands of the Daleks (who are robotic alien type thingys bent on killing anything that's different from them; much like Hitler).

He was great. I love him! Ergh. And ROSE! ROSE TYLER! She's perfect! She's so brave and gutsy and playful. She's brilliant. And I love how it's not always the Doctor who saves the day. It's the ordinary people. It's an important message. Like, no one is unimportant. Nine has said that over and over again. The ordinary is always important.


I found this picture which helps explain what's happening to me:

Exactly this. ^

I haven't reached the bow tie yet but I get the sonic screwdriver, the banana, and the TARDIS. Dunno what the 3D glasses is for though. Enhanced viewing? I don't know.

Have I mentioned how happy I was when The Doctor explained what TARDIS stood for! OMG! Time And Relative Dimension In Space!

But what matters is that I AM IN LOVE WITH DOCTOR WHO! GAHHH!

I like to call this the Who-vification process. I will not consider meself a Whovian until I've caught up on everything. Grr.

Also, my imaginary friends/inner voice/brain/consciousness has decided to adopt an English accent. This is going to be good. Wait till I start with the Tenth Doctor. Bring on David Tennant and his Scottish accent!


1 comment:

  1. You'll find out about the 3D glasses soon enough dear. Let me know when you get your first Sonic Screwdriver :p
