Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Study Week


I tried mind mapping for 113. It does help but it also makes the entire subject look so skeletal and incomplete. So, it's weird.

And there's an essay  for the exam too, which is freaking me out. I mean, sure, I can write but I don't think I'll be able to cite anything and that worries me. How do you write an academic paper without references? So, that's going to be though.


Also, studying alone is not at all very motivational. I feel like I'm forcing myself to study and it's not what I like to do. Forcing myself to study, I mean. I want to study because I want to, you know? As opposed to studying because I'm forced to. It's just no fun at all.


The Christmas tree is up though. So that's good.

Oh, I think I'm sabotaging myself. I'll tell you more once I'm done reading about it in 113. 

Till then. Adieu.
I has reading to do!

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