Friday, December 14, 2012

The Next Step

Hi there, cyberworld.

I hope you've been fine.

I have an exam tomorrow. To be honest, it's the one I'm most worried about. I did okay in the assignments for this subject (tiny bit above average). Definitely enough to pass with credit (hopefully) but I'm worried about the exam. The essay section is daunting. Hmm.

I have stuff mind mapped, though. This is helping me more that I thought it would. I read a chapter and highlight important details. After that, I mind map the entire chapter. Then I read the mind maps as a refresher. It's good. My mind mapping skills are abysmal because I use lots of words and no pictures at all but it does work for me, so I'm happy.

Anyways, I realised today that talking really helps. I mean, I've always known this but I guess I forgot. After talking to Pete today, I remembered and I feel a lot better. Less.. heavy. Y'know? I think having a sounding board - someone other than yourself to talk to, a different perspective - really helps. It's like the fog is cleared away a little more and I know what needs to be done. I have no idea where I'm going still but I know what the next step is and really, that's all you need, isn't it? The next step.

So I know my next step and I shall move forward with it.

For now, though, it's Christmas. I have a list of gifts to get and I shall get them all this year. I don't know what kind of Christmas it's going to be this year but I'm pretty sure it'll be memorable.

Which reminds me, I have to read that chapter on memory now. Happy Christmas, y'all! :)

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