Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Round House!

At first, I was going to write abut how cranky I was feeling. Not to worry though, I have just shifted gears. Instead of ultra-cranky me, I'm going to write about my future round house!

For those of you who do not know, I want to live in a round house when I grow up. Queer, yes. It is a little odd that, unlike normal people who want fancy apartments or gigantic square houses, I want a round house. I first decided on this when I read that Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter lived in a round house. That isn't the only reason I want a round house though.

I think round houses are underrated. They're beautiful. Round houses feel almost magical. I don't know how or why but they draw me. And so, I have decided that I want a round house. I wanted to live on a farm first but now, I want a ROUND farm house!

I found this layout on wordpress. I Googled 'round houses' and this is what I found.

Queer Houses for queer people

It's beautiful! I can just imagine how this house would look. Anyway, I used this layout as a guide and designed my own round house floor plan. I don't like the round library and oval parlour (what is a parlour, anyway?). Also, this layout seemed to be a multi-storey house. I'd prefer a single storey round house. So, I worked the floor plan of my future house (using 'Paint' of all programs). Here's how it turned out.

I hope you can forgive the lack of architectural skills in the designing of this floor plan

As you can see, I scraped the whole 'round in a round' idea. Instead, I decided that straight walls, all pointed to the center of the house was the way to go. At first, I designed it so as to have only one bathroom, a communal bathroom, because this is how it is at home. I changed it though because I think having a master bedroom with a personal bathroom might be fun.

Anyway, the living room is connected to the kitchen because I love food and I want easy excess to it. Also, it's fun to watch TV while cooking. Next, the kitchen has a separated wet kitchen area. This gives this house a kind of non circular look but I like the idea of a wet kitchen.

After that, there are three bedrooms. I don't know why I put in three or why I didn't just stop at two or maybe gone to four. As for now, I'll just pretend that bedroom 1 is for mama, bedroom 2 is for bro and bedroom 3 is mine. I'm sure that it will be readjusted as time goes by.

The library is the final room. I wanted a separate room for all my books. I only have one bookshelf full now, but mama has tons and I'm sure I'll be collecting more. Also, I think the library can be a den too. Oh, and as a place for me to display whatever stuff  that I've collected over the years.

There's a staircase in my layout, which is (as I'm sure you would have already pointed out to me if you could) a contradiction of my earlier statement. Yes, I prefer a single storey house. The staircase is there as a backup. And if not, I'll just leave it there to put stuff on! :)

Or maybe, I'll make a tower up there? Yeah, that sounds good! And instead of a staircase, I'll just use a rope ladder and a firemen pole!

Ok, so yeah. This is my plan. Right now, I'm not even 20 yet but I'm sure that in years to come, I will be saving up on cash and learning as many skills as possible so I can build this house with my own hands. Oh, and probably find a husband to humour all my queer dreams. :)

*Preferred materials: Granite and big, big stones like the ones the Egyptians used for the Pyramids! But I'll settle for clay bricks and cement or whatever it is they use these days. 

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