Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Emo-isms

Christmas is over! So soon. Actually, it isn't over yet. Twelve Days of Christmas, remember? So, yay!

Anyway, it was a good Christmas this year (like every year). First up, people actually came (not like last year). They arrived and food did not get wasted. One thing though, I'm not good at entertaining people in my home. What am I supposed to do? I feed them, sure, but what then?

I'm a listener and an observer. Therefore, I make a terrible host. I just sit there and look at people. I can't start conversations. I don't know how. So, my guests end up getting quite bored and they leave early. Hmm.. that's so my fault. Oh well, never again! I really don't want to do an open house when I get my own place. The mess I have to clean up and being tired and the noise level - it's not my thing.

Another good thing this year was that I got 'Vanilla Cream' from Nad! Vanilla cream with REAL vanilla pods! OMG! That is awesome! It tastes great. So far, I've eaten it just like that and with bananas. I've only seen a vanilla pod once in my life. I saw it in a bottle at a market. RM23 for 2 pods. That's daylight robbery man! Nad managed to find some vanilla pods and she made me vanilla cream for Christmas. It's definitely the most delicious present ever! :)

Anyway, other than that, I got a bag and a tiny notebook (I love notebooks!). Nice things. I'm happy.

Actually, no. I'm not completely happy. I shouldn't be complaining or whining about this. I have so many nice things already. I just thought I'd get something else this year. Something I really, really wanted (and still want) but I didn't get it. I'm upset. I shouldn't be and it's shallow of me to be but I can't help it. :(

I definitely appreciate what I have, though. I guess I'll just get it myself later when I start working. Hmm.

Now for the emo part of my day. I haven't been all that jolly these past few days. I'm not actually sad or anything but I just seem to lack that happy spark. I can't put my finger on it. I can sense this gloomy aura or something. Weird.

People around me have been moody too. Maybe I'm rubbing off on them? They're all emo with me. What did I do la? It's kind of frustrating. I mean, I don't do anything to upset you, so then why are you upset with me? If you're upset with something or someone else, don't tunjuk muka to me la. I'm alone all day, you know. So, I really don't like facing emo people.

Imagine having to spend the entire day in you own head, then at the end of the day, you have to face emo-isms. C'mon la. Gimme a break. This is why I like to go out. I like spending time with my friends because they like talk a lot and they make me happy. After a few hours with them, I can face all the emo-isms you put in front of me. It wont be so bad.

I terasa la.

Oh! I just thought of this (thinking about it whilst typing so this is a fresh thought!). Maybe part of the reason I'm happy-less is because of Dillon. When he came yesterday, he was already tired and worn out. I terasa because he didn't want to play with me or even acknowledge me. I stayed out of the way because I could not have faced his rejection in front of my friends. I mean, I talk about him so much in school. I tell everyone about how cute he is and how he likes playing with me. What if he started crying (because he was cranky)? That would break my heart man. Being rejected by my own baby brother in front of my friends. No thank you.

Yea, that's probably part of the reason. Well, i hope tomorrow makes me feel better.

Right now, I'm going to study all the GYHO (get Your Heart On, for you who do not know) lyrics. I want to commit them all to memory, hopefully by this week. My own Simple Plan study week. What could be better!

Btw, Nad introduced me to this BLOG. It's great! Go check it out:) (Right now I'm pretending that there's someone reading my blog other than my mother. I honestly don't know if there are other people who read this. If there are, thanks! Leave a comment once in a while la)


1 comment:

  1. I read every one of your post. It really does allure me to read it. ISIMPLYLOVEIT.
