Friday, December 16, 2011

Jolly Good Times!

Carolling was great! :) It was done in a much smaller scale this year with only one day of carolling and 11 houses, but it still rocked!

We sang quite well. The only problem was our volume. We didn't start off loud. Also, everyone was tired by the third house! We did good, though. I had so much of fun and I'm so proud of all of us. We all remembered our parts, no one got lost and there were no tantrums. The food was good too!

Santa Claus was awesome but the best part was Santarina! She was epic! Santa bumped into her a few times along the way while dancing but she never stopped. I loved watching her! :) She should do it again next year la!

Anyway, another thing I have to celebrate is the end, like really, the end of my high school life. It's over! My last paper was at 5pm and now, I am officially NOT a high school student! I'm all grown up now, aww!

So, to celebrate this auspicious occasion, I have changed my email address. I've decided that I need a more professional sounding email. 'cutecat1402' has served me well. It has been with me all through my schooling life and it even got me started on Facebook. But the time has come for me to say goodbye.

Now, I have a new email. I hit jackpot with it because no one else chose the address that I wanted which meant that I didn't have to use numbers! :) I feel so good. The time has come for me to step out into the world and my first order of business to prepare myself is to change my email. It's a milestone! :)

Ok, enough of this la. Truth is, I just can't sleep! I'm so stoked about being free from school that I cannot shut my eyes. I think it's all the endorphins in my blood stream. The 'happy' chemical that's keeping me awake!

I'm not going to keep writing till I fall asleep, I know you have better things to do than read my rant for 10 pages. (I actually wrote down quite a lot of my thoughts during the exams. Almost 2 pages each exam cramped with words and drawings in a mere 30 minutes!)

I just have one more thought to add, Mel has a really nice smile!!! It's like the truly heart-melting kind that makes his eyes twinkle. Nice too look at. *ehem*  ;)

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