Friday, December 9, 2011

Theme-less; Just The Way I Like It.

I've been wondering, maybe I should have a theme for my blog. Write about one specific field or something.

Hahahaha! No, my blog does not have a theme. I'm not going to pick a field of interest and stick to blogging only about said interest. A lot of people can do that, because they're good at it. Not me. I cannot stick to just 'art' or 'politic'. My blog cannot have a theme because I cannot stick to one.

This blog is about what goes on in my brain. That's why I started it. I need somewhere I can just let out whatever is in my brains and heart, much like a diary. This is my digital journal. I don't post uber personal stuff here mostly because I don't have much of an uber personal life. So, I mostly write about things that tickle my fancy or ignites a spark or whatever I'm keen on at the moment.

That's it, really. That's all this blog is about. I want this to be a record of stuff that I do in my life. I want to be able to look back at random on one of my posts and think, "that really did happen, didn't it?". If at the same time, I happen to amuse you with my slow, quick-wit or my highly sophisticated bordering on silly sarcasm, then I'm glad I could help.

I like writing and this is my writing tool. I have to remember to thank the creators of Google and Blogger. They're both pretty smart people. Probably pretty and smart... (guys can be pretty, right?)

Anyway, I also want to thank people who've read this blog, or is reading it now. Even though I can't see you and you probably don't exist, thanks for tuning in. I hope I haven't assaulted your intelligence. Seriously, my mad skills of sarcasm can be pretty deadly. And dry humour. (Wait, do people pour water on their computers to make wet humour?)

Oh well, whatever it is, I'm going to keep this up. Maybe more exciting things will happen in my life and I might get smarter which in turn will make this blog a lot more interesting.

For now, toodles folks. I've got some butterscotch sauce to eat!

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