Thursday, April 29, 2010

SuperMan.. not!

Anba was admitted in the hospital today. Aww.. :( It has something to do with the pest control thing from last night. Long story short, Anba was trying to be Superman and sad to say, he discovered that he's only human. Anyway, I'm going to see him tomorrow before work. I hope he gets better.

Work:: Nothing much except that it was slightly busier than yesterday during lunch. Adrian called the mobile today and didn't realise that it was me speaking. He thought I was Cassy and I just played along. He asked me to do line check and make sure everything runs smoothly. I was shaking with laughter but I just said 'yeah, no problem boss.' That was hilarious. Do I and Cassy sound alike?? I don't think so. I think he's been gone too long. He's forgotten what we all sound like.

My class had a so-called 'reunion' today in Pyramid. I don't think it can be called a reunion when evrything is planned around just a few people. I'm so annoyed with them. Please don't call it a reunion when in truth it's a gathering of friends, one of whom I dislike with every fiber in my body (I'm being polite since my blog is public). I joined them for lunch. I sincerely miss some of them so I put up with the other annoying bugs for one hour. If it weren't for those I like, I'd have avoided the rest. I think, in a few years time, I'm going to plan a propper reunion. I'll invite everyone, even those I 'dislike'. It'll be fun, and pre-planned. That way they can't say they're not free. Also, if you can't make it, then you don't come. Simple as that.

Ok, I'm going to chat now and continue this blog a little later. So, chao for now!

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