Monday, June 28, 2010

Should-Have-Skipped-School Day

My class had to attend the "Mesyuarat Agung Koperasi SMK Alam Megah Berhad" (annual co-operative meeting, I think that's the right translation) today. What a waste! I would have gladly skipped school today if I had known this beforehand. I could have visited Dillon! The meeting was from 8.10am till 10.10am which meant that we didn't enter class at all before recess. I wasn't even paying attention to what was going on in the meeting. I didn't want to be there at all. I started thinking, "Can I fake a tummy ache and asked to be sent home?". Oh, I wish! (Don't worry ma, you know I won't do anything like that. I'll ask for your permission first :) After recess, I had two periods of microeconomics, which I'm not taking, and MUET, which I can afford to skip. So, all in all, a wasted day in school.

Anyway, I spent most of the time in school reading a book. School has somehow managed to bring back the reading bug :P During the economics class, the teacher said something that really caught my attention. "Jangan buang masa, jangan main di luar" (that translate to, "Don't waste time and don't play outside"). Is this what you say to Pre-University students (as you call us)? You say we're becoming adult and that we're going to be treated as adults, but then you talk to us as if were only 5 years old. I'm not saying that we're all completely mature, but we're not exactly babies either. You can't choose when or under what circumstances you want to treat us like adults. If you want us to start acting like adults then I think it's fair to ask you to start treating us like one. Please don't confuse our already befuddled brain!

Moving on, here's something else that caught my attention in school. The MUET teacher somehow managed to steer the topic of conversation from listening tests to how we take our parents for granted (more specifically, mothers, since she's a mother too). She said something like, "Your mom gives you RM50, but you, not appreciating anything, spend it to reload your phone and then finish that credit up in less than a week. You never appreciate the work you mom put in to earn RM50. To you, it's nothing because you didn't have to go through it." Well, excuse my teacher, but I pay my own phone bills. I love my mom and I appreciate evrything she does for me but you should stop lecturing everyone without knowing the truth. You're talking to us on the assumption that all our moms work, and that they make a minimun of RM3000 a month. Well, I've got news for you; not all of us are rich and not all of us have a working mom.


On another note, today hasn't been a good day. I don't know why exactly, but I feel kind of sad. I can't put my finger on it. Hopefully I'll sleep it off.

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