Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I was Sooooo Wrong!

Okay. Remember when I said I'm expecting shocked faces and unending questions from the Accounts students due to my sudden transfer into their class? (Post dated Sunday, 30 may 2010; Under the 'changing to accounts' babble) Well, I couldn't have been more wrong. Lower 6 Accounts is the most boring class I have ever had the misfortune to enter! I want to make myself clear. The teachers aren't the problem. In fact, the teachers are awesome. It's the students who are boring. They don't say a word to anyone expect their one other friend.

There are two guys sitting on my left who are just as quiet as the two girls (twins) sitting on my right. The girls in front of me seem unable to converse with anyone but themselves and the the girls behind me only talk amongst themselves but with the volume turned up to full blast. This must be how Malcolm in "Malcolm in the Middle" feels. After being in the class that has always earned the title "The Noisiest", I just can't bear the silence. Sure, it helps me focus on class and catch up on work, but I don't know how much longer I can take the unintentional silent treatment. I know it's not their fault. Maybe they're just not used to being in a noisy class. Maybe they're all to shy to interact. I just can't stand it.

Ma suggested I organise an activity that we can all do together. A bonding thing. I do have one idea. Class decoration. At the moment, our class is completely bare. Maybe, we can organise an effort to decorate the class. It'll be killing two birds with one stone. Getting the class decorated and getting to know each other at the same time. (Gotong-royong mengeratkan silaturahim, right??)

My only salvation; recess. As soon as recess starts, I go to the History class. For at least 20 minutes, I can talk till my throat runs dry (which is okay since I won't talk in class after that). I live for recess, for the glorious 20 minutes with my History friends. Even now, I'm thinking only of recess tomorrow!

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