Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Beginnings; Good or Bad??

Let's see;

* I've finished reading The Diary of Anne Frank

It's a really great book (or diary, to be exact). I like how mature she is. To think that she's only 13 or 14 years old but with the maturity of adults. She comtemplates issues that most children don't and only half of adults dare to. She's got wisdom beyond her years and she's able to understand things at such an early age, things that most people spend half their life trying to figure out. I admire her. I don't mean to seem conceited but she reminds me a little of myself. I think we all see a part of ourselves in Anne. She makes so much sense when she's pouring her heart out on those pages. She's taught me alot about myself too. I owe her alot. I think a woman like her, if she had the chance to grow up, would have been someone who changed the world, a woman of powerful words. She is now too, but due to her unfortunate and terribly short life, she didn't get as far as she could have. Anne made such and impact at the age of 15, imagine the impact she would have made if she had lived to be 60.

* I'm starting in the Accounts class tomorrow

I hope I do better there than I did in History. I know for sure that History isn't my subject but I'm not sure about Accounts. I have a good feeling but still, I can't help but wonder. Accounts seems like a better option. It's more straight forward. There's a right and a wrong and there's always only one or two ways to get the answer your looking for. I prefer that to the abbysmally subjective ways of History. I know it sounds insane, since I love Literature which is the most subjective subject there is, but I just don't get History. I can't seem to wrap my head around it.

Anyway, I don't really know anyone form the Accounts class and I don't think they know I'm coming. I'm expecting a bunch of shocked faces staring at me once I enter class tomorrow. That, followed closely by an unending cycle of questions, makes tomorrow a day I'm really dreading. But then again, it'll be one of those times when I wonder what I was afraid of in the first place (I've had far too many of those times for it to be random or abnormal).

I've dyed my red hair black again

A teacher from school warned me that if I didn't return my hair to it's natural and God-given colour, she would chop it off. I really hated to see the red hair go, but I love my locks too much to risk it being unprofesionally cut. It was heart ache to see my red streak disappear. I would have loved to keep it the way it was, to be the rebellious little smart-alec I was planning to be. However, the 'Miss Goody-Two Shoes' label seemed to have made an impact on my conscience. It's become more powerful and I just can't seem to shut it up (which is a good thing, regardless of how evil I sound now). On that note, my hair is back to black. It's feel kind of weird because I was so used to it having a red streak that now I feel like such a boring person without it. My flag of freedom and my symbol of adulthood has been forcibly taken away from me!! (Okay, stop being such a drama-queen!)

* School holidays starts in a week

YAY!!! I know I've barely started school, but I've been away from that kind of environment for so long that I actually don't miss it anymore. In fact, I can't wait to get away. Now that I'm in a different class, school has become even more boring (didn't think that was possible). I don't really mesh with anyone in that class. The only one I'm friendly with, a girl named Izumi, has been absent for over a week now. I call that pure bad luck. So, I'm seated at the right end of the third row, far away from the fan (which is a nightmare in this heat) and with no one for company. I think I can finally understand why some people just hated school.


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