Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rain and Sunshine

Nadiah is in Gopeng, Perak now. She's going for matriculation. She really wants to try it out and I'm glad she went. Deep down, of course I don't want her to leave me to wrangle STPM without her but I'm not going to stop her from trying things. We're two completely different persons who want completely different things and have completely different dreams. So, we can't go everywhere together. I'll survive. I still have Raz & Kimi with me (Pare!).

Today, school was a little bit of rain, and a little bit of sunshine. "Rain" was, of course, the absence of Nadiah. Razmil and Kimi sat next to me today so I wouldn't feel too lonely. Raz on my right and Kimi on my left. Pn.NorBahya asked if there was anything going on between us (this is when I should tell you that 'gossip' is a major hobby in that school). Anyway, "rain" was also because I've decided to change to the accounting class. I won't be leaving Raz and Kimi too long because the class is right next door and I'll be in Sejarah whenever the accounts class is having Economics. That's exactly 8 periods in a week. They're my 'gang' in school and I need them to keep me sane.

Moving on, "sunshine" were the moments in school when teacher was too busy to teach. A bunch of us just talked the day away. We're all still quite new to each other so we spent those "teacher-less" times getting to know each other (quite loudly too :P). I had so much fun. We talked about ambitions , weight (how to gain and lose weight), drama queens, food (of course!) and relationships. That conversation would have turned out much differently if we were all in Form 2 or 3. However, since we're all 18 now, we've develop a slightly more mature thinking style. I'm not saying we're completely adults, but nor am I saying we're children. I realised that we are all more capable of understanding each other and accepting our differences politely as opposed to arguing and trying to pull everyone on your side. We 'know' and accept that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I think we help each other grow up some how.

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