Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Someday, I'll Take The World by Storm!

First day of exam. Well done, actually. PA 2 was 3 hours long. I, however, managed to finish it 40 minutes before time was up. Not what I had planned or even expected. In the morning, before the exam, almost everyone had their nose buried in their books. Everyone except me of course, accompanied by Dinesh, who was sneezing to much to stay still long enough to read. We laughed and talked and acted like little kids before heading to recess. I had my normal Nasi Lemak and Dinesh had his almost normal 2 plates of Nasi Lemak. Visha with her tuna sandwiches and Romina with her predictable diet of Apollo biscuits. When we were back in class, I had a stick of Apollo biscuit in my mouth which Romina gave me. Dinesh, being the three year old he sometimes is, took the remaining half and swallowed it. I chased him around the class. Never mess with a girl's food. Least of all this girl's food. I was serious (kinda). I chased him around until he promised to buy me some Apollo tomorrow. Yay me!

Anyway, Dinesh's sneezing become worse as time wore on and by the time everyone was halfway through with their paper, he had finished up at least 3 packets of tissue. Poor thing. He's definitely coming up with something (here I am stating the obvious). I hope he gets well though, not only because of all the trees he's killing with the use of each tissue but because I can't imagine how terrible it is trying to answer questions when you're constantly sneezing. "Obesiti disebabkan oleh..." *ACHOO!* "...pengambilan makanan berlemak secara..." *ACHOO!* "...berlebihan." *ACHOO!*. You get my point. At least tomorrow won't be too hard. MUET is the least of his problems.

Speaking of troublesome subjects. I found out today that many of my classmates (the ones who take History) usually only get half over twenty-five for their essays. In the last exams, The highest score was 3/25. Wow! I'm really happy I gave it up. Apparently Form 6 History is way more complicated than the one in Form 5. I think (and am secretly hoping - though it's not much of a secret now) that English Literature will be a breeze compared to History. I don't want to do bad. I don't mind not being amazing at it, seeing as we haven't really done much, but getting a satisfactory grade is a must. Otherwise, we'll be stuck with History. Nightmare scenario! I'm not panicking though, at least not really, because I don't think anything can be worse than history. History in museums and paintings and plays are much more spellbinding than the ones we get in textbooks. I think the system needs a little shakeup. Developing a more interesting way of grinding antiquated facts into our brains should be a priority (since history really is important - says the girl who isn't taking the excruciating subject).

Anyway, I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be one boring day. I've finished reading the book "13 Little Blue Envelopes" by Maureen Johnson. It's a wonderful book. Fantastical but somehow real at the same time. Magical and yet sad. I really like it. The first time I read it, all I thought was, 'What an interesting journey to take.' Not that I'd even consider it back then. Now, however, I find myself fantasising about the day I'll get myself a backpack and do what 'Peg' did. Granted, I don't have her talent or courage or spunk, but I think I'll survive. I have a feeling that, once I've made enough money to get started, I won't have any problems travelling around the world, doing odd jobs to survive. Redecorating a cafe that's going bankrupt sounds like a ball. I know I probably sound insane right now but there's something romantic about travelling the world, seeing things both usual and unusual, working my way through each adventure and ending up where I should be - at home, content and loved. It might be unbelievable, but at this moment in time, I have all the confidence in the world that I will one day have an around the world adventure worthy of a novel. I just have to go through the normal pangs of the 'terrible teen' years and maybe some 'young adult' life before setting off into the sunset to begin my adventures across the seven seas. World, here I come! (in a few years.... I know you'll wait :))

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