Wednesday, October 20, 2010


We arrived at the stadium about an hour early. We queued up at the back of the right most line because we thought there were different entrances for each ticket price. Oh, how wrong we were. June and I managed to squeeze in between people and get to the front in less than 15 minutes. Before we knew it, we were in. Since we still had lots of time, we decided to wait for Aqil before heading to our seats. While we were waiting, we met the guy from Sunway. The one who wanted to know where A Cut Above was. Unbelievable right? It's moments like these that make me go, "It's a small world after all!." Anyway, Aqil came in and we made our way to our seats.

Paramore was AWESOME! The moment we saw Hayley on stage, everyone went nuts! Our seats we're quite good actually. We weren't exactly right in front of the stage but we had a really good view. Also, it wasn't as packed in our box as it was in front of us. We could see Hayley's orange hair very clearly from where we sat (I think we would be able to see it even if we were fa away. Haha!).

I'm not such a huge Paramore fan. I only know whatever songs that they released to the radio. Even then, I didn't know all the lyrics. A little down-grading but we had a blast just head-banging along to the tunes. Whichever songs we didn't know, June and I just sat down and watched the crowd or the sky. For those that we did know, we stood on the chair, jumping, singing along and dancing. We went crazy! We sang along to Decode and Brick By Boring Brick and The Only Exception. We were in our own world. It was awesome. At the end, she invited a fan onto the stage to sing one of the songs. He went nuts. She gave him the microphone and before he started singing he managed to get a picture of them together. How awesome is that?! All in all, an awesome experience.

Before I end this post, I'd like to tell the world about this spectacular (not really!) poet in my class. I think he wrote close to 10 verses in the span of 1 hour. Not all of them great and most of them were laughable, but one or two, though no professional, were very nice. Here's the one or two poems that he penned (each verse stands on it's own, not a continuation of the one before):

The texture of metal
A crave for the tongue
Bursting all over the lies
A sinful delight
To see the light

If you find yourself
In a dark place
With blood puring everywhere
Don't worry dear
You are in my heart

Your looks blow me away
Your eyes make me suffer
I'm growing in your heart
in your eyes poems are read
(This one was written in Tamil, translated to English. Sounds much better in Tamil)

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